Improve your emotional intelligence with a plan

By Jim LaDoux
If increasing your emotional intelligence is important to you, then creating a plan for improving it is essential. Below you'll find steps and strategies for designing a plan that is simple and effective.


  1. Transfer your emotional intelligence appraisal scores to your planning document. Use a platform that you use and can refer to frequently. This might be a Word or Google document, part of your journal, or a note-taking application.
  2.  Select one EQ skill to work on at a time. It's not recommended that you chose Relationship Management unless you scored higher than 75 in all four areas. 
  3. Pick three strategies to begin using for your chosen skill. Decide when and where you'll practice each strategy.
  4. Choose an EQ mentor who is gifted in your chosen EQ skill. Ask this person if he or she is willing to offer you feedback and guidance at regular intervals during your journey. Set up regular meeting times. 
  5. Select a coach who will help you stay on track and will help learn from your practice strategies.
  6. Set a date (3-6 months after you begin regularly practicing your strategies) to take the EQ test again. It takes most people about six months to realize lasting change. Once you've made sufficient progress in the EQ skill you selected for part of your action plan go online and take the emotional intelligence appraisal a second time. This will allow you see how ways that your emotional intelligence is changing, and guide your next steps. If you've experienced lasting change in your chosen EQ skill, you may wish to focus on one of the other skills as your step in growing your emotional intelligence.


 Self-awareness is about knowing yourself as you really are. This takes honesty and courage to start noticing things about yourself that you weren't previously aware of.

Practice Strategies
  • Quit treating your feelings as good or bad.
  • Observe the ripple effect from your emotions.
  •  Lean into your discomfort. 
  • List who pushes your buttons and what they say or do to upset you.
  • Keep a journal about your emotions. 
  • Spot your emotions in books, movies and music.
  • Seek feedback on a regular basis.
  • Stop and ask yourself why you do the things you do.

Self management strategies self management is your ability to use self-awareness of your emotions to actively choose what you say and do self management. Ample self-awareness is necessary for effective self management because you can only choose how to respond to an emotion, actively when you are aware of it.

Practice Strategies
  • Practice meditation or breathing exercises.
  • Identify and meet with people who could give insights self-management.
  • Smile and laugh more often.
  • Take control of your self talk.
  • Visualize yourself succeeding or living into your preferred future.
  • Avoid playing the role of a victim.
  • Focus on what's present rather than what's missing.
  • Learn something from everyone you encounter.
  • Notice what you are most creative, or have the most energy throughout the day.

Social awareness is centered on your ability to recognize and understand the emotions of others as you interact with them and to get a more accurate view of your surroundings. This involves learning to pick up on body language, facial expressions, postures tone of voice, and what is hidden beneath the surface. Your full attention is the first step to becoming more socially aware where you'll fully utilizing your five basic senses listed below are some specific strategies Grue people by name watch body language make timing. Everything

Practice Strategies
  • Develop a back pocket question
  • Greet people by name.
  • Avoid taking notes at meetings.
  • Plan ahead for social gatherings.
  • Clear away the clutter.
  • Practice being fully present.
  • Practice the art of active listening.
  • Step into other people's shoes. 
  • Catch the mood of the room.

Relationship management draws upon the three other EQ skills - self-awareness self management and social awareness. Managing relationships well takes work and intentionality.

Practice Strategies
  • The open and be curious.
  • Enhance your natural communication style.
  • Avoid giving mixed signals.
  • Take feedback well build trust.
  • Have an open door policy. 
  • Acknowledge the other person's feelings.
  • Complement the person's emotions or situation.
  • When you care show it. 
  • Explain your decisions.
  • Make your feedback direct and constructive.
  • Align your intentions with your impact.
  • Offer a fix it statement during a broken conversation.
  • Tackle a tough conversation.


  1. What surprised you if you read the book, or took the EQ assessment?
  2. Which EQ skills do you feel need greater attention right now?
  3. Who could serve as a mentor or coach to help you address one of the EQ skills?
  4. How can you embed the art of listening and noticing into your daily life?
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