- 50 Top Tools for Coaching: A Complete Toolkit for Developing and Empowering People
- The 4 Greatest Coaching Conversations
- The 7 Laws of Coaching
- Appreciative Coaching: A Positive Process for Change
- Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change
- Appreciative Inquiry: Change at the Speed of Imagination
- Appreciative Inquiry Handbook: For Leaders of Change
- The Appreciative Inquiry Summit: A Practitioner's Guide for Leading Large-Group Change
- Appreciative Team Building: Positive Questions to Bring Out the Best of Your Team
- The Art of Coaching Clergy: A Handbook for Clergy, Church Leaders, and Coaches
- The Art of Coaching Teams
- The Art of Executive Coaching: Secrets to Unlock Leadership Performance
- Ask Powerful Questions: Create Conversations that Matter
- Becoming an Exceptional Executive Coach
- The Book of Coaching for Extraordinary Coaches
- Building Resilience with Appreciative Inquiry
- Change Your Questions, Change Your Church: How to Lead with Powerful Questions
- Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 12 Powerful Tools for Leadership, Coaching, and Life
- Co-Active Coaching, Forth Edition: The Proven Framework for Transformative Conversations at Work and in Life
- A Coach Approach to Leadership: Enhancing Performance, Empowering Others
- Coach: Coaching for Business Performance
- The COACH Model for Christian Leaders
- Coach the Person, Not the Problem: A Guide to Reflective Inquiry
- Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others
- Coaching for Leadership
- Coaching in Organizations
- Coaching Questions: A Coach's Guide to Powerful Asking Skills
- The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More and Change the Way You Lead Forever
- Coaching Hacks
- The Coaching Habit
- The Coaching Mindset: 8 Ways to Think Like a Coach
- Coaching for Performance Fifth Edition: The Principles and Practice of Coaching and Leadership
- The Coaching Questions Handbook: 150 Powerful Questions for Life Coaching and Personal Growth
- The Completely Revised Handbook of Coaching: A Developmental Approach
- Conversations Worth Having
- The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations into Breakthroughs
- Effective Coaching
- Effective Group Coaching
- Executive Coaching for Results
- Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart
- The Heart of Coaching: Using Transformational Coaching to Create a High Performance Coaching Culture
- The Heart of Laser-focused Coaching: A Revolutionary Approach to Masterful Coaching
- The Completely Revised Handbook of Coaching: A Developmental Approach
- Conversations Worth Having
- The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations into Breakthroughs
- Effective Coaching
- Effective Group Coaching
- Executive Coaching for Results
- Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart
- The Heart of Coaching: Using Transformational Coaching to Create a High Performance Coaching Culture
- The Heart of Laser-focused Coaching: A Revolutionary Approach to Masterful Coaching
- Helping People Change
- Humble Inquiry
- Innovations in Leadership Coaching
- The Language of Life and Business Coaching
- Leadership Coaching: The Disciplines, Skills, and Heart of a Christian Coach
- Leadership Team Coaching
- Leadership Team Coaching in Practice: Case Studies in Developing High-Performing Teams
- The Life Coaching Handbook: Everything You Need to Be an Effective Life Coach
- Masterful Coaching
- Ministry 3.0: How Today's Church Leaders are Using Coaching to Transform Ministry
- On Becoming a Leadership Coach: A Holistic Approach to Leadership Excellence
- The Power of Appreciative Inquiry: A Practical Guide to Positive Change
- The Practitioner's Handbook of Team Coaching
- Professional Coaching Competencies: The Complete Guide
- Professional Coaching: Principles and Practice
- Quantum Coaching Questions
- The Team Coaching Toolkit
- The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry
- Thriving in the Fire: Coaching the Conflicts of Change
- Transformissional Coaching
- Unlocking Potential: 7 Coaching Skills That Transform Individuals, Teams, and Organizations
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- 10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times
- 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
- A Failure of Nerve
- A Leadership Journey through Hope, Despair, and Forgiveness
- Another Way: Living and Leading Change on Purpose
- The Aspiring Leader’s Guide to the Future
- The Attributes
- Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets
- Canoeing the Mountains
- The Catalyst Leader
- The Daily Drucker
- Dare to Lead
- Death By Meeting
- Deep Work
- A Failure of Nerve
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
- Flex
- The Flourishing Pastor: Recovering the Lost Art of Shepherd Leadership
- Great Teams
- HBR Guide to Making Every Meeting Matter
- High Impact Teams
- High-Impact Tools for Teams
- How to Lead When You Don't Know Where You're Going
- The Ideal Team Player
- The Leader’s Journey
- The Leadership Triangle
- Leading Change
- Leading With Grit, Grace, and Gratitude
- Leading With Questions
- Let's Stop Meeting Like This
- Listen Well, Lead Better
- Managing Leadership Anxiety
- Meetings by Default or Design
- On Becoming a Leader
- Opportunity Leadership: Stop Planning and Start Getting Results
- The Practice of Adaptive Leadership
- The Relational Pastor
- Shepherd of Souls
- Strategic Doing
- Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership
- Teams That Thrive
- Teamwork and Teamplay
- Tempered Resilience
- The Practice of Adaptive Leadership
- The Relational Pastor
- The Secret of Teams
- The Self-Aware Leader
- The Truth about Leadership
- The Work of Leaders
- Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know
- Thrive (meetings)
- Unlocking Potential
- The Vision Driven Leader
- What Great Team Do Great
- You Don't Need a Title to Be a Leader
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- The Art of Rest
- The Art of Rest: Faith to Push Pause in a World that Never Stops
- The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity
- At Your Best
- Becoming a Life Change Artist
- Better Than Before
- Crafting a Rule of Life
- Design Your Day
- Designing Your Life
- Disrupt You!
- Disrupt Yourself
- Entrepreneurial You
- Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
- Everything in its Place
- Flourishing
- Flourishing in Ministry
- How to Know What You Really Want in Life
- Liturgy of the ordinary
- Living Into Community
- Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight
- Pivot: The Only Move that Matters is the Next One
- Reinventing You
- Reinventing Your Board
- Reinvention Roadmap
- Six Simple Rules
- Smart Church Management
- Smart Church Staff Evaluations
- Streamline: How to Create Healthy Church Systems
- Structured for Mission: Renewing the Culture of the Church
- The Virtual Assistant Solution
- The Right Questions
- Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renwal, and Delight in our Busy Lives
- Sabbath as Resistance
- See Do Repeat: The Practice of Entrepreneurship
- Shift Your Thinking
- Simple Habits for Complex Times
- Start Finishing
- Start Less, Finish More
- Tending to the Holy
- The Power of Habit
- The Progress Principle
- The Rewired Life Workbook
- The Unhurried Life
- Vital Signs: Why Church Health Matters and How to Measure it
- Work Clean
- A Royal "Waste" of Time
- A Spirituality of Living
- Being the Presence of Christ
- The Beloved Community
- Called by God to Serve
- Calling All Years Good
- Callings
- The Caring Congregation
- Celebration of Disciple
- Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals
- The Common Rule
- Connecting Church and Home
- Creating a Life With God
- Creating Holy Spaces
- Daily Texts (Moravian)
- Engage Every Family
- Everything is Sacred
- Faith Formation 4.0
- Faith Formation in a Secular Age
- Faith Formation With a New Generation
- Faith Forming Faith
- Faithful Families
- Families and Faith
- Families at the Center of Faith Formation
- Family-Based Youth Ministry
- Grateful
- Holding Your Family Together
- Holy Conversation
- Holy Work with Children
- How to Read the Bible Book by Book
- How to Read the Bible for All its Worth
- Jesus-Centered Youth Ministry
- Recalibrate: A New Measure for Family Ministry
- Rest is Resistance
- Sacred Pathways
- Learning to Pray Again
- Liturgy of the Ordinary
- Longing for God
- Making Sense of the Bible
- Making Sense of Scripture
- Power Surge
- The Practicing Congregation
- Sacred Stories, Spiritual Tribes
- Saying No to Say Yes
- The Scattering
- The Seasons of Adult Faith Formation
- Shaping Spiritual Leaders
- So Tell Me a Story
- Souls in Transition
- The Soul of Discernment
- The Spirit and Culture of Youth Ministry
- Spiritual Disciplines Handbook
- Sticky Faith
- The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family
- The Stories We Live
- Transformational discipleship
- Transforming Worship
- Traveling Mercies
- We Make the Road By Walking
- Worship Frames
- Worship Matters
- You Are What You Love
- Alone Together
- Aways On
- Appreciative Team Building
- Being Called to Change
- Becoming a Welcoming Church
- Beyond Church Walls
- Beyond the First Visit
- B.L.E.S.S.
- Blessed Connections
- Boomerang
- Church Greeters 101
- Connecting Like Jesus
- Extraordinary Hospitality
- First Impressions: Creating Wow Experiences in Your Church
- Group Glue
- Hospitality Ministry Volunteer Handbook
- Leading Small Groups that Thrive
- Neighborhood Church
- People are the Mission
- Radical Welcome
- Reciprocal Church
- Reclaiming Conversation
- Secrets of a Secret Shopper: Reaching and Keeping Church Guests
- The Art of Convening
- The Art of Gathering
- The Art of Neighboring
- The Comeback Effect
- The Neighboring Church
- The New Parish
- Visiting Church Online
- We Want You Here
- Wide Welcome
- Advance Strategic Planning
- Agile Engagement
- Agility Shift
- Analog Church
- Be Mean about the Vision
- Beyond Maintenance to Mission
- Beyond the Idea
- Beyond the Prototype
- Black Box Thinking
- Building the Bridge as You Walk on It
- By Design or Default
- Change
- Change: How Organizations Achieve Hard to Imagine Results in Uncertain and Volatile Times
- Change and Conflict in Your Congregation
- Change the Culture, Change the Game
- Change Your Church for Good
- Changing the Conversation
- Charting Change
- Choosing Change
- Church Leadership Essentials
- Church Leadership
- Church Revitalization Checklist
- Church Transfusion
- Church Unique
- Clarity First
- Cracking Creativity
- Cracking Your Church's Culture
- Creating Your Church's Culture
- Discerning God's Will Together
- Discerning Your Congregation's Future
- Disruption
- Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization
- Doing the Math of Mission
- Dream Big, Think Small
- Everywhere You Look
- Holy Conversations
- How to Thrive in Chaos
- Kingdom Innovation for a Brave New World
- Leveling the Church
- Making Shifts without Making Waves
- Making the Shift Field Guide
- Mapping Innovation
- Memories, Hopes, and Conversations
- Missional Renaissance
- Missional Worship, Worshipful Mission
- Navigating the Future
- Nine Marks of a Healthy Church
- Open Source Church
- Paid to Think
- Pursuing God's Will Together
- Quietly Courageous
- Re: Vision
- Recreating the Church
- Reframation
- Reframing Hope
- Reframing Organizations
- Reimagining Collaboration
- Renew
- Sailboat Church
- Shift 2.0
- Shift: Three Big Moves for the 21st Century Church
- Start This Stop That
- Strategic Planning: A Pragmatic Guide
- Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard
- Ten Types of Innovation
- The Agile Church
- The Anticipatory Organization
- The Creativity Leap
- The Five Faces of Genius
- The Five Most Important Questions
- The Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations
- The Four Lenses of Innovation
- The Gathered and Scattered Church
- The Kingdom Connected
- The Power of Asset-Mapping
- The Power of Moments
- The Post-Quarantine Church
- The Practice: Shipping Creative Work
- The Road to Better Habits
- The Shaping of Things to Come
- The Strategy Visioning Workshop Journal
- Thriving Communities
- Transformational Church
- Transforming Congregational Culture
- What Got You Here Won't Get You There
- Whole Church: Leading from Fragmentation to Engagement
- A Spirituality of Fundraising
- Abundance
- Ask, Thank, Tell
- Beyond the Offering Plate
- Connect: How to Double Your Number of Volunteers
- Contagious Generosity
- Embracing Stewardship
- Fusion: Turning First-time Guests into Fully Engaged Members
- Generosity, Stewardship, and Abundance
- Giving to God
- God and Your Stuff
- Imagining Abundance
- Maximize
- New Life Through Shared Ministry
- Not Your Parent's Offering Plate
- One-Minute Stewardship
- Passing the Plate
- Smart Volunteer Management
- The Coming Revolution in Church Economics
- The Complete Volunteer Management Handbook
- The Equipping Church
- The Equipping Church Guidebook
- The New Breed
- The Other 80 Percent
- The Volunteer Church
- The Volunteer Effect
- Stewardship for Vital Congregations
- Volunteer Engagement 2.0
- Whose Offering Plate Is It?
- Your Volunteers
- 500 Social Media Marketing Tips
- Brand Storytelling
- Branded: Sharing Jesus in a Consumer Culture
- Branding Faith
- Brave Talk
- Brief: Make a Bigger Impact by Saying Less
- Building a Story Brand
- Changing the Conversation: 17 Principles of Conflict Resolution
- Church Marketing 101
- Click 2 Save
- Communication in the Church
- Compelling Conversations
- Conflict Mastery
- Content Rules
- Conversation Tactics
- Conversations for Change
- Conversations Worth Having
- Crucial Accountability
- Crucial Conversations
- Difficult Conversations
- Effective Virtual Conversations
- Everybody Writes
- Everyone Communicates, Few Connect
- Everyone is an Influencer
- Fierce Conversations
- From Social Media to Social Ministry
- HBR Guide to Dealing with Conflict
- HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations
- How the Way We Talk Can Change the Way We Work
- How to Deliver a TED Talk
- How to Design and Teach Workshops that Work Every Time
- Lead With a Story
- Made to Stick
- Make Your Idea Matter
- Making Conversation
- Marketing for Dummies
- Marketing Plan Handbook
- Master Presenter
- Nicely Said: Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose
- On Communication
- One Hour Content Plan
- Presenting Virtually
- Problogger
- Rethink Communication
- Six Strategies for Effective Church Communications
- Social Media Marketing for Dummies
- Sticky Branding
- The Connected Church
- The Digital Cathedral
- The Discomfort Zone
- The Exceptional Presenter
- The Exceptional Presenter Goes Virtual
- The Lost Art of Listening
- The Pin Drop Principle
- The Power of Visual Storytelling
- The Skilled Facilitator
- The Story Advantage
- The Storyteller's Secret
- Thriving Through Ministry Conflict: A Parable on How Resistance Can Be Your Ally
- Writing for the Web
- The 7-Minute Productivity Solution
- Business Made Simple
- The Business of the Church
- The Church Money Manual
- Deliberate Simplicity
- Effectiveness By the Numbers
- The Elephant in the Boardroom
- Execute Your Vision
- Execution is the Strategy
- Free to Focus
- Governance and Ministry
- High Impact Church Boards
- Is Your Organization Aligned?
- Lessons from the Church Boardroom
- Management Tips
- Managing Oneself
- Managing Polarities in Congregations
- Managing Transitions
- Measure What Matters
- Measuring Success
- Ministry and Money: A Practical Guide for Pastors
- Ministry in the Digital Age
- Moments of Impact
- The One Thing
- Performance Conversations
- Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight
- Pivot: The Only Move that Matters is the Next One
- The Power of Habit
- The Progress Principle
- Reinventing Your Board
- Six Simple Rules
- Smart Church Management
- Smart Church Staff Evaluations
- Streamline: How to Create Healthy Church Systems
- Structured for Mission: Renewing the Culture of the Church
- The Virtual Assistant Solution
- Vital Signs: Why Church Health Matters and How to Measure it
- 99 Thoughts for Small Group Leaders
- Activate: An Entirely New Approach to Small Groups
- The Big Book on Small Groups
- Building a Life-Changing Small Group Ministry
- Coaching Life-Changing Small Group Leaders
- Creating Community
- The Essential Guide for Small Group Leaders
- Group Dynamics: Basics and Pragmatics for Practitioners
- Groups that Thrive
- How to Lead Small Groups
- Lead Small: Five Big Ideas Every Small Group Leader Needs to Know
- Leading Small Groups
- Leading Small Groups that Thrive
- Leading Small Groups with Purpose
- Making Small Groups Work: What Every Small Group Leader Needs to Know
- Small-Group Leader’s Quick Guide to (Almost) Everything
- Small Group Ministry Volunteer Handbook
- Small Groups for the Rest of Us
- Planning Small Groups with Purpose: A Field-Tested Guide to Design and Grow Your Ministry
- Simple Small Groups: A User-Friendly Guide for Small Group Leaders
- Small Groups, Big Impact
- Small Groups with Purpose: How to Create Healthy Communities
- Vibrant Small Groups
BLOG Recommendations
- Aspen Group
- Carey Nieuhoff
- Charles Stone
- Chemistry Staffing (staffing/supervision)
- ChurchLeaders.com
- Church Marketing University
- Dan Reiland
- Desiring God
- Greg Atkinson (worship & first impressions)
- Growing Leaders (youth ministry)
- Mark Howell (small group ministry)
- Thom Rainer (ministry revitalization)
- YM Sidekick (youth ministry)
- Chuck Lawless
- Carey Nieuwhof
- Joshua Reich
- Rookie Preacher
- Charles Stone
- Rich Birch
- Dan Reiland
- ChurchLeaders.com
- Desiring God
- Brett Powell
- Outreach Magazine
- Pastors.com
- Joshua Reich
- Rookie Preacher
- Rich Birch
- Outreach Magazine
- Pastors.com
- MinistryPass.com
- Russell Moore
- ThoM Rainer (Leadership)
- Tony Morgan Live
- The Unstuck Group
- Vanderbloemen
- Youth Cartel
- Kurt Bubna
- Brandon A. Cox
- Kevin DeYoung
- Peter Englert
- J.D. Greear
- Pastor Joe McKeever
- Thomas McDaniels
& Youtube Channels
- Familying the Faith
- Home-brewed Christianity
- Rookie Preacher
- Russell Moore
- Tony Morgan Live
- Youth Cartel
- YM Sidekick
- Visual Journal
- Abduzeedo
- Adobe Creative Cloud Blog
- Church Marketing University
- Design Week
- ID Identity Design
- It’s Nice That
- Carey Nieuwhof
- ChurchLeaders.com
- Church Leadership
- Clear+Vivid (Alan Alda)
- Desiring God
- Kurt Bubna
- Outreach Magazine
- Pastors
- Ron Edmondson
- Brett Powell –
- Thom Rainer –
- All There is (Anderson Cooper)
- Greg Atkinson
- Growing Leaders
- Mark Howell Live
- Rich Birch
- SwissMiss
- Thom Rainer
- Youth Cartel
- Homebre
- ID Identity Design (branding and identity design)
- It’s Nice That (well-curated mix of illustration and graphic design projects)
- Home-brewed Christianity
- The Interruption Podcast
- Joshua Reich
- Outreach Magazine
- Pastors.com
- The Road to Now: A history Podcast
- Kurt Bubna
- Brandon A. Cox
- Kevin DeYoung
- Peter Englert
- J.D. Greear
- Pastor Joe McKeever
- The Quitters
- Thomas McDaniels
- Charles Stone
- Rich Birch
- Dan Reiland
- Where Should We Begin
- Brene Brown
- Carey Nieuwhof
- Chuck Lawless
- ChurchLeaders.com
- Church Leadership
- Clear+Vivid (Alan Alda)
- Dan Reiland
- Kurt Bubna
- Pastors
- Greg Atkinson
Ron Edmondson - Brett Powell –
- Thom Rainer
- All There is (Anderson Cooper)
- Greg Atkinson
- Growing Leaders
- Mark Howell Live
- Rich Birch
- SwissMiss
- Visual Journal
- The Interruption Podcast
- Joshua Reich
- Outreach Magazine
- Pastors.com
- The Road to Now: A history Podcast
- Kurt Bubna
- Brandon A. Cox
- Kevin DeYoung
- Peter Englert
- J.D. Greear
- Pastor Joe McKeever
- The Quitters
- Thomas McDaniels
- Rookie Preacher
- Charles Stone
- Rich Birch
- Where Should We Begin
- Coaching for Clergy (training)
- Coaching4Today's Leaders (training)
- The Coaching Tools Company (coaching tools & resources)
- Co-active Training Institute (training)
- Fluxify (training)
- International Coaching Federation (training/certification)
- Keith Webb (The COACH Model)
- Life Coaching Group (Marion Franklin)
- Vibrant Faith Ministries (coaching/consulting/training)
- The World Business & Executive Coaching Summit (training)
- Rev. Dan Solomon, ACC
- Rev. Dr. Felix Villanueva
- Janny Franken
- Jason Bland
- Jim Merhaut
- Dr. Mark Slaughter
- Paul Oppedahl
- Rev. Dr. Nathan Swenson-Reinhold
- Shana Boshart
- Rev. Tom Smith
- ActiveCampaign (emails/databases)
- Airserver (connecting devices to screens)
- Alchemer (surveys)
- Amplify Media (streaming)
- Amy Porterfield (marketing)
- Animoto (video production)
- Calendly (appointment scheduling)
- Canva (graphic design)
- Chatroll (live event chat)
- Church Juice (communications)
- Church Marketing University (marketing)
- Constant Contact (email client)
- Creatistry (branding/marketing )
- Digital Church (websites)
- Digital Collections (images)
- Doodle (group scheduling)
- Doodly (whiteboard animation)
- Edutopia (teaching tools/resources)
- Flocknote (email/text client)
- Gapology (branding/marketing)
- Gary Vaynerchuk (branding/marketing)
- Google Forms (surveys)
- Karl Kapp (learning & instruction)
- MailChimp (email client)
- Missional Marketing (marketing)
- Pinacle (video production)
- Pixabay (free stock images)
- Poll Everywhere (live event polls)
- Problogger (blogging training/tips)
- Pro Church Tools (marketing)
- Promedia Fire (creative media)
- Russell Brunson (marketing)
- Sermon Spice (videos for worship)
- Shift Worship (videos for worship events)
- Shutterstock (images)
- Slido (live event surveys)
- Squarespace (website builder)
- Stocksnap Photos (images)
- StoryBrand (branding)
- Streamyard (live streaming)
- Subsplash (website and app builder)
- SurveyMonkey (surveys)
- Telestream (video production)
- Trainer's Warehouse ( training resources)
- Unsplash (images)
- Videoscribe (animated videos)
- Vimeo (upload, store and view videos)
- Vintage Stock Photos (images)
- Webex (online training/meetings)
- Wix (website builder)
- Work of the People (videos for worship and education)
- Worship House Media (videos for worship/education)
- Worship House Kids (videos for children's ministry)
- Greg Atkinson (worship & first impressions)
- Growing Leaders (youth ministry)
- Mark Howell Live (small group ministry)
- Rookie Preacher
- SwissMiss (high-quality content for creative professionals)
- Thom Rainer (ministry revitalization)
- Youth Cartel (youth ministry)
- YM Sidekick (youth ministry)
- Chuck Lawless
- Visual Journal (images of graphic design, branding, and visual communication)
- Barna Research
- Bible Gateway
- Bible Hub
- Build Faith
- Building Children's Ministry
- Center for Action and Contemplation
- Concordia Publishing House
- D365 Daily Devotions
- Daily Text
- Disciple Bible Study Resources
- Dwell Listening App
- Enter the Bible
- Faith-Lead
- Fuller Studio
- GenOn Ministries
- Glo Bible
- Kerygma Program
- Lifelong Faith Associates
- Logos Bible Software
- Olive Tree
- Pew Research Center
- Project Twelve
- Select Learning
- Spirit & Truth Publishing
- UMC Discipleship
- Vibrant Faith Ministries
- The Work of the People
- Working Preacher
- YouVersion
- Belay (staffing specialist/virtual staff)
- Bit.ly (url shortener)
- Breeze (church management software)
- Calendly (appointment scheduler)
- Chemistry Staffing (staff recruitment/selection)
- Church Answers (training & resources to support ministry)
- Concordia Technology (church management software)
- Microsoft 365 (online collaboration tools)
- Planning Center (church management software)
- Slack (online collaboration platform)
- Slingshot Group (staffing selection)
- Tinyurl.com (URL shortener)
- Vanderbloemen (staff consulting & recruitment))
- 4 Sight Group (high-impact leadership)
- 16 Personalities (Myers-Briggs online assessment)
- Bill Reichart (leadership & ministry)
- Brendan Burchard (leadership & goal setting)
- Carey Nieuwhof (leadership & ministry topics)
- Church Fuel (training & resources for leaders)
- Courage to Lead (leadership courses & resources)
- Dan Reiland (developing church leaders)
- Gapology (leadership consultants)
- Leighton Ford Ministries (healthy leaders, thriving ministries)
- MasterClass (online training/development for leaders)
- Peer Ministry Leadership (relationships/facilitation)
- Ron Edmondson (helping leaders move forward)
- Sam Chand (life & leadership development)
- Skillshare (online training/development for leaders)
- Stephen Blandino (church leadership)
- The Art of Leadership
- The MyersBriggs Company (leadership assessment)
- Tiny Habits
- Udemy (online training/development for leaders)
- Wondrium (university-level courses covering many topics)
- Belay (staffing specialist/virtual staff)
- Bit.ly (url shortener)
- Breeze (church management software)
- Calendly (appointment scheduler)
- Chemistry Staffing (staff recruitment/selection)
- Church Answers (training & resources to support ministry)
- Concordia Technology (church management software)
- Microsoft 365 (online collaboration tools)
- Planning Center (church management software)
- Slack (online collaboration platform)
- Slingshot Group (staffing selection)
- Tinyurl.com (URL shortener)
- Vanderbloemen (staff consulting & recruitment)
- 16 Personalities (Myers-Briggs personality assessments)
- Aspen Group (church design builder)
- Auxano (Strategic visioning)
- Barna (research on congregations & faith)
- Be More With Less (simplifying life)
- Church Answers (training/consultation resources)
- Church Fuel (leadership/templates/systems training)
- Church Vitality Survey (measures leadership & spiritual vitality)
- Coursera
- Day 8 Strategies (hybrid church)
- DISC (leadership assessment)
- Eric Geiger (provides insights on living/leading well)
- Gapology (living into your potential)
- Harrison (leadership/team assessments)
- Holy Cow Consulting (congregational assessments)
- Not Overthinking (podcast and resources)
- Skillshare (online courses)
- StrengthsFinder. Individuals and teams usually one of the StrengthsFinder books which includes an access code for taking the assessment. The downloadable report is quite detailed.
- Udemy (online courses)
- Way to Lead (leadership and faith formation)
- Wondrium (online courses)
- Ministry Blueprints (hospitality resources)
- Story 2022
- Transforming Church Network (open doors into the community)
- Cris Capel
- Flagship Equip (fundraising solutions)
- GSB Consulting (Stewardship/fundraising)
- Lifeway (Generosity)
- Pushpay
- Tithely
- Vanco Payments
- I-Opt. (assessment focused on processing information)
- Jay Kim Thinks (analog thoughts about digital ministry)
- Life Hack (finding work/life balance)
- Ministry Architects (healthy systems; consultations)
- The Malphurs Group (strategic planning)
- MasterClasses (classes to spark your interests & creativity)
- mCore. This test helps individuals asses what motivates them in life and work, and where they gain their energy.
- 16 Personalities (Myers-Briggs personality assessments)
- Coaching for Clergy (training)
- Coaching4Today's Leaders (training)
- The Coaching Tools Company (coaching tools & resources)
- Co-active Training Institute (training)
- Fluxify (training)
- International Coaching Federation (training/certification)
- Keith Webb (The COACH Model)
- Life Coaching Group (Marion Franklin)
- Vibrant Faith Ministries (coaching/consulting/training)
- The World Business & Executive Coaching Summit (training)
- Rev. Dr. Felix Villanueva
- Janny Franken
- Jason Bland
- Jim Merhaut
- Dr. Mark Slaughter
- Paul Oppedahl
- Rev. Dr. Nathan Swenson-Reinhold
- Shana Boshart
- Rev. Tom Smith