What's a Job Description?
What's the purpose of Job Descriptions?
A job or position description is a written narrative describing the purpose, roles, and responsibilities of a paid or volunteer position. Key elements of a job description include a Position Summary describing what the person does, why it matters, reporting relationships, hours, critical requirements, physical demands, salary ranges, etc. It includes Primary Responsibilities - the mission-critical tasks in which a person will most likely be evaluated or reported on. It includes Additional or Other Responsibilities that are involved in fulfilling this role but aren't mission critical. It includes Qualifications such as experience, training, skills, licenses, certifications, and required hours of availability related to the position.
Well-written and effectively-developed job descriptions are communication tools that allow both employees and candidates to clearly understand the expectations of the role, its essential duties, the competences [and] responsibilities, along with the required educational credentials and experience. Position descriptions provide clarity about one's roles, what they're evaluated on, how one communicates and coordinates with other people, etc. It helps ensure that you hire the right people to fill the right positions. It's a living, evolving tool that reflects the current needs of the position and should be reviewed at least once a year.
Sample Purpose, Priorities & Perspectives
This statement lists the primary purpose of an organization, what they value, and what's unique about its setting. See sample below:
We HELP people know and follow Jesus through radical hospitality, intentional relationship-building, Spirit-driven worship, faith-forming experiences, and by serving our neighbor.
We HELP people know and follow Jesus through radical hospitality, intentional relationship-building, Spirit-driven worship, faith-forming experiences, and by serving our neighbor.
- We BELIEVE that God is active in the world and that each person has a gift to share and a story to tell.
- We VALUE intergenerational community, lifelong learning, laughter, ongoing experimentation, and transparency. We keep things simple, learn from our results, and grow in generosity, as we partner with God for the good of the world.
Sample Covenant
Some organizations create covenants that reflect specific ways individual will support one another. Covenants are recited during interviews, onboarding, staff and leadership meetings. They are read responsively, starting with, "We . . .
- Connect with, care for, pray with, and speak well of each other..
- Affirm each other’s gifts, backgrounds, and perspectives.
- Communicate clearly, candidly, consistently, and constructively.
- We take ownership for what we say and how we say it.
- Honor our commitments and clearly state what we need from each other.
- We offer grace and forgiveness in abundance.
Below you'll find a collection of job descriptions, often shared by congregations Surface to Soul has worked with . use the samples as a guide to help church leader craft job descriptions that reflect your unique to your setting. They are listed alphabetically by title with paid positions listed first and volunteer positions listed second.
Administrative Assistant
This 30-hour/week position oversees all activities of the church office, provide a welcoming, positive, and confidential environment for guests during office hours and providing administrative support to church staff and volunteers. This position handles many aspects of behind-the-scenes communication, administration, and logistical duties to support ongoing church ministries and reports to the Lead Pastor. This role requires professionalism, confidentiality, a strong work ethic, and attention to details. Requirements for this position is demonstrated proficiency in Microsoft office, database software and working with a variety of communication platforms.
- Maintain online (Google) calendar; schedule facilities space or coordinate building use requests.
- Coordinate the scheduling of rooms and equipment requested by individuals and organizations.
- Produce the monthly newsletter, the weekly e-news, worship bulletins, welcome brochures and the annual report.
- Perform office management tasks such as maintaining office supplies, files, etc.
- Post news items and leadership reports on the website; update the homepages with current content.
- Coordinate the receiving of guests, scheduling of meetings, and responding to voicemails, emails, etc.
- Coordinate and maintain the church calendar to ensure facilities are ready to support ministry activities.
- Update the church website weekly, listing current worship theme and upcoming activities..
- Maintain and update church records (for attendance, membership, etc.) using the church database software.
- Assist with the preparation of the weekly e-new and worship bulletins; run printed copies as needed.
- Assist with preparations related to weddings, funerals, confirmation, milestones, and annual pledge drive.
- Oversee the purchase and maintenance of office equipment.
- Schedule meetings on behalf of pastors and program staff.
- Review and update the church's employee manual, elected leadership manual, and the operations manual.
- Enter benevolence information into confidential database.
- Maintain membership database.
- Screen emails and reply to emails; forward on to appropriate parties.
- Create and archive all correspondence; archives documents via Dropbox.
- Keep the office space neat and organized.
- Provide administrative support to staff members and ministry leaders as needed.
Administrative Pastor
This position collaborates with our Lead Pastor to oversee the overall operations of the church. It involves supervising four support staff members and collaborating extensively with program staff. This position includes preaching one week per month, and attending monthly Board meetings and quarterly retreats.
- Develop and administer the policies and procedures of the church.
- Oversee the administration of payroll, employee records, insurance needs, bill payments, and financial reports.
- Track the percentage of members/attendees engaged in ministry; explore ways to increase member engagement.
- Implement a consistent development and performance review process for church staff that includes monthly
leadership development time for staff and lead volunteers, and an updated staff on-boarding process. - Track financial giving patterns. Work with Stewardship Team to develop vision for financial generosity and an annual plan.
- Direct weekday operations of the church office.
- Supervise office staff and volunteers.
- Oversee the security of the church.
- Maintain an inventory of church property and equipment.
- Identify the percentage of members/ministry partners who are actively engaged in the church's mission.
Administrative Pastor
This position creates and leads a variety of faith formation opportunities that are both age-specific and cross- generational, allowing for the growth of Christian faith throughout the congregation. This role oversees the work of the Children, Youth, and Family Ministry team in addition to working with Adult Faith Formation leaders.
- Faith Formation - Design and implement a comprehensive program of faith formation for all ages ad life stages by deepening the connection between weekly worship and the practice of faith in daily life. Oversee milestone ministries for children and youth, in partnership with the LIfe-long Faith Formation Team. Coordinate confirmation ministries in collaboration with Youth and Family Ministry staff and volunteer leaders. Oversee small group ministries for all ages and life stages along with annual servant-learning immersion experiences for all ages.
- General Pastoral Ministry - Share in the leadership of Word and Sacrament ministries including preaching at least once a month, planning and leadership worship, and presiding at baptisms, funerals and weddings. Coordinate plans for including children, youth, and young adults into the worship life of the congregation. Develop and deepen care connections between our congregation and the wider community. Provide pastoral care, hospital calls, and home visits within the congregation and the community, in collaboration with the Congregational Care Ministry Team.
- Attend week staff meetings according to the monthly schedule (full staff meetings, pastors’ meeting, staff worship, etc.).
- Meet weekly with the Lead Pastor and program staff; attend monthly Board meetings.
- Create and monitor budgets for faith formation, congregational care and outreach programs.
- Conduct annual performance reviews, including annual updating of job descriptions for all direct reports.
- Use all available channels of communication to provide a clear, compelling vision for lifelong faith.
App/Website Developer
This position provides support and development for the church’s web-based software, including the church website and church management software focused on managing the day-to- day maintenance and operation of the church website, coordinating all web functions, and identifying and incorporating new technologies into the website. This position works closely with the staff Web Designer and Communications Coordinator and currently has no staff supervisory responsibilities.
- Lead the planning and implementation of web content and design elements for the church website.
- Design the information architecture of the website to ensure easy navigation for site visitors.
- Serve as the expert consultant for staff in developing web content that supports the church’s mission, vision, goals, and strategic objectives.
- Work with the staff web designer to implement and maintain a consistent design for the church website.
- Provide ongoing technical support to visitors/users of the church website and apps.
- Apply effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies to ensure that church websites are easily found in online searches.
- Develop monthly activity reports that show the use and effectiveness of the church’s websites and apps.
- Maintain network data security including: user access controls, ensuring OS security patches are tested and promptly applied, data backups, internet firewall configuration, and virus/worm prevention and elimination.
- Perform regular assessments of technology needs, evaluating new technology to determine if it would be beneficial for the church’s websites; install, configure, and test new hardware and software.
Audio/Video Coordinator
This position provides technical expertise and team leadership for the church’s sound, media, video, and stage-lighting, and is responsible for audio/video technical and creative development, production, and training related to the live production audio/visual needs of our church. The position ensures that worship and A/V ministries continue to grow in impact, quality, and reach through the alignment of the church’s vision, mission, and values. Skills and qualities needed for this position include creating and mixing quality sound in large venues, use of Final Cut Pro, and other worship-focused software..
- Provide a consistent, excellent audio, video, and lighting for all worship services and major events.
- Partner with worship teams to develop plans and strategies for ongoing A/V improvements.
- Establish standards of A/V operation through the creating and maintaining a worship operations manual.
- Build and lead a team of A/V and production volunteers.
- Assist in planning, organizing, and implementing the best uses of media technology in worship.
- Oversee weekly A/V tasks for weekend services and events.
- Purchase and maintain A/V equipment.
- Submit an annual worship equipment and supplies budget to the Board.
- Direct management of A/V quality during weekend worship services and other events.
- Record video and audio worship services for the online broadcast of weekend services.
This position is responsible for the financial records for all funds of the church, maintaining accurate records related to payroll, accounts payable, and contributions. This position requires attention to detail and precision in account reconciliation and report generation, demonstrated proficiency and computer skills including Microsoft Word and Excel, and Quickbooks accounting software, a commitment to confidentiality regarding all members and accounts, and the ability to meet deadlines with minimal supervision.
- Balance and reconcile all church accounts on a monthly basis.
- Record weekly contributions and deposits.
- Prepare monthly reports for church leadership team and ministry teams. 4. Maintain records for annual audits.
- Process payroll.
- Prepare quarterly contribution statements.
- Produce all annual tax reports (W-2’s, 1099’s, etc.)
- Prepare year-end financial reports for annual meeting.
- Perform other finance-related duties as assigned when needs arise.
- Collaborate with staff and members as needed; run financials per request of leaders.
Business Administrator
This position provides oversees the property, legal, financial and business affairs of the church to support ministry operations and to ensure the church's fiduciary responsibilities.
- Ensure that financial records are maintained including accounts payable and receivable, payroll, general ledger, monthly income statement and balance sheet, bank accounts, Investment and tax reporting, individual contribution records and membership statistics.
- Coordinate development and preparation of the church annual budget.
- Coordinate the work of the Stewardship Team and then Annual Pledge drive.
- Review all financial commitments and contracts on an annual basis.
- Ensure that appropriate and adequate insurance coverages are in place including:, workers’ compensation, property/casualty, and liability.
- Oversee the development program of the church including bequests, memorials, deferred giving and trust funds.
- Supervise maintenance and upkeep of all buildings, grounds and landscaping.
- Assist with establishing annual ministry goals and objectives.
- Anticipate future facilities development needs and their associated costs.
- Coordinate with appropriate committees, contractors and architects, as needed, to facilitate renovation or relocation of facilities.
- Supervise support staff, including custodial, maintenance, grounds keeping, security, accounting, membership records, food service, media ministry, and sound and lighting.
- Work with Personnel Committee to implement the church’s personnel policies and procedures.
- Recruit, screen and recommend candidates for support staff positions.
- Maintain accurate, up-to-date personnel files.
- Research new business procedures, computer techniques, financial programs and salary surveys.
- Coordinate and monitor purchasing of equipment, furniture, supplies and other items.
- Work with appropriate committees, officers and leaders to carry out the church’s business affairs.
- Attend staff meetings, Board meetings, and retreats.
- Coordinate and schedule outside use of facilities.
Chief Financial Officer
This position serves as a general business manager for the church and is responsible for all financial, accounting, real estate, contracted benefits, and risk management activities. The CFO i s responsible for advising and supporting the Pastors and program staff, influencing strategy and facilities management, property development and acquisition. This is a full-time, salaried position around 40 hours a week, with four days spent in the office and one day of flexible working location. This individual must have demonstrated leadership ability, team management, and interpersonal skills, excellent analytical and abstract reasoning skills, plus excellent organizational skills as well as excellent strategic planning and organizational skills. Candidates must also advanced knowledge of budgeting principles and practices, accounting principles, investment, and financial reporting methods.
- Ensure the financial budgets are in line with the vision, values, and annual goals of our church.
- Ensure ministries have the financial resources they need to effectively run their ministry.
- Serve as the primary driver for coordinating and getting approval on all church budgets.
- Manage the funds of the church to assure fiscal responsibility, balancing socially responsible investment with maximum return, and providing timely information and financial recommendations.
- Perform other finance-related duties as assigned when needs arise.
- Collaborate with staff and members as needed; run financial per requests by leaders.
Childcare Coordinator
This position provides loving, efficient card to infants and toddlers.
- Schedule caregivers for worship services, week-day activities and other special events.
- Recruit and train caregivers.
- Maintain accurate, up-to-date attendance records.
- Coordinate use of child-care facilities, requesting special cleaning and/or repairs when necessary.
- Ensure that sheets and blankets are laundered and toys are clean.
- Ensure that adequate quantity of nursery supplies is maintained.
- Help parents with registration of children.
- Develop and distribute a comprehensive information packet for parents.
- Coordinate with other staff members to ensure that appropriate child care is available for church programs and events.
- Attend regular staff meetings and retreats.
Children's Ministry Coordinator
This position coordinates plans and activities for the ongoing faith development of children and their families.
- Plan and execute a year-round plan forming faith experiences for young people (Age 4- Grade 5) that includes includes worship, fellowship, and servant events that take place at church, home, online, and in the community.
- Lead in the creation and annual updating of safety policies and guidelines.
- Assist with the selection of curriculum and learning opportunities used in weekly programs.
- Communicate regularly with parents about ways they can serve as faith mentors to their children.
- Recruit, train, and support children’s ministry volunteers.
- Plan and organize an annual Vacation Bible School for the summer months.
- Respond to emails, phone calls, and other inquiries in the children’s ministry in a timely and professional manner.
- Prepare classroom materials in a timely manner and ensure that classrooms are set up for learning events..
- Create an annual calendar for Children's Ministry activities; integrate plans as part of the overall church planning process.
- Coordinate use of child-care facilities, requesting special cleaning and/or repairs when necessary.
- Review and regularly update content about children's ministry found on the website and social media sites.
- Coordinate with other staff members to ensure that appropriate child care is available for church programs and events.
- Attend regular staff meetings and retreats.
Communications Director
This position coordinates the development, design and assessment of all communication platforms, materials, systems, and strategies. This includes oversight of the church's website, Facebook page, Instagram account, weekly e- newsletters, quarterly printed newsletters, worship slides and announcements, video productions and printed publications. This role requires creativity, attention to detail, an eye excellence, and a keen awareness of the user’s experience. This position reports to the Lead Pastor and is responsible for supporting paid staff and volunteer members who assist with church communications. This is a full-time, salaried position and may involve periodic attendance at evening or weekend meetings.
- Establish and maintain branding standards and style guidelines for all church communication platforms and publications.
- Create quarterly content posting schedules for the e-newsletter, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
- Oversee the flow of internal and external communications to ensure a consistent, accurate message.
- Oversee the selection and maintenance of communication platforms used within the church.
- Create process for capturing, sharing, and archiving images, audios, and videos that help describe our church's mission and values.
- Assist staff and leadership teams with being effective communicators of the the church's mission.
- Conduct an Annual Communication Audit to assess the impact and quality of ongoing communications.
- Share communication successes and best practices with church leaders.
Contemporary Worship Leader
This position oversees the planning, preparation, and coordination of all aspects of the musical portion of our contemporary worship service. It provides oversight of the praise band and the engagement of volunteer musicians, ensuring consistent, high quality worship experiences. This position involves attendance and active engagement in Wednesday and Thursday evening activities, Tuesday morning staff meetings, and Sunday morning worship rehearsals and leadership functions
- Meet weekly with pastor and program staff to select music and coordinate weekly worship.
- Recruit musicians and singers into the praise team and provide encouragement and training.
- Conduct weekly rehearsals in the church.
- Create a quarterly schedule for special music at performed at both services.
- Assist with providing music on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Christmas Eve, and other celebrations as needed.
- Assist with leading Wednesday evening worship services twice a month.
- Provide input on annual budget related to annual budget.
- Arrange for worship leadership while on vacation or at continuing education events.
- Submit all music for the weekly bulletin to the church secretary on Monday for the following Sunday's worship service.
- Attend weekly staff meetings, quarterly staff retreats and annual church meeting.
- Participate in the monthly Worship Planning committee meetings
- Begin rehearsals with a devotion (based on Sunday's scripture) and team-building exercise.
This position coordinates member's engagement of the church's mission and ministries at and beyond the church.
- Invite members into ministry, equipping and encouraging them to live out God’s calling for their lives.
- Gather Time and Talent information from new disciples; assist with updating membership records.
- Match people's passions, skills and spiritual gifts of members to the needs of our congregation and local community.
- Highlight current volunteer ministry opportunities on all communication platforms.
- Meet with leaders serving in volunteer positions to offer encouragement, resources, and to discern next steps.
- Planning formal and informal ongoing recognition and equipping events for paid and unpaid servant leaders.
- Coordinate New Member classes, and the assimilation of new members into ministries at and beyond the church.
- Track member involvement; seek to engage less active members in the mission and ministries of the church.
- Oversee the Pictorial Directory updates and membership records.
- Serve as liaison to committees and teams focused on engaging members in ministry.
- Conduct an annual event of the church ministries and people's engagement with them.
- Assist with the recruitment and training of Stephen Ministers.
- Establish criteria for launching new programs, small groups, task forces and ministries within the church.
- Meet weekly with staff; attend Church Council meetings upon request.
Director of Children & Youth Ministry
This position is charged with nurturing Christian discipleship by directing, supporting, and creating ministries that focus on young people from birth through high school, reflecting the mission, vision and values of our faith community. This position oversees these ministries with an intentional and deliberate focus on creating, equipping, and resourcing ministry teams. This is a full-time position.
- Coordinate home-based and congregation-based milestones ministry activities scheduled throughout the year.
- Provide oversight of the Children’s Discipleship Hour including middle and high school.
- Direct and coordinate youth ministry programs, including confirmation.
- Review curriculum used during all activities; reviewing ministry plans, and staffing.
- Coordinate the introduction of faith practices to families, teachers, and mentors, explaining ways that they can be used in daily life.
- Supervise childcare ministries.
- Provide oversight and coordination of Vacation Bible School.
- Oversee B2K and Kids Club ministries for younger children.
- Maintain limited contact with post-high school students who are attending college.
Director of Community Engagement
This position advances a person-centered system of engagement that extends our faith community's reach of care and advocacy for justice. It involve managing community partnerships and relationships that align with our mission, vision, and values.
- Harness the power of self-managed teams
- Develop leaders who will serve a advocates and collaborators for community initiatives.
- Serve as a liaison between the ministries, the church board, and church staff.
- Mobilize leaders to expand the list of members called to serve their community.
- Highlight people's calling stories related to befriending and serving their neighbors..
- Update policies, and procedures, related to community ministry initiatives.
- Participate in new member events; highlighting ways to become connected to their local community.
- Attend quarterly ecumenical ministerial gatherings.
Director of Congregational Life
This position is responsible for the church's appearance, cleanliness, maintenance and security of the building and grounds. Qualifications include having knowledge of basic HVAC and mechanical functions of a large non- residential building, having good organizational and planning skills, timely attendance during stated or negotiated hours, being on call for emergencies, and having the ability to communicate with staff and volunteers on facility needs and uses. It requires being able to lift a minimum of 40 pounds and physical capacities to conduct basic building and grounds maintenance activities.
- Keep the building clean, attractive and well maintained, inside and out.
- Maintain attractive grounds, performing basic functions as cutting grass, care of flower beds, shoveling snow, arranging for snow to be removed from the parking lot, and other maintenance duties.
- Perform minor repairs, including but not limited to masonry, electrical systems, plumbing and immediate temporary repairs in an emergency.
- Complete daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly maintenance checklists in a timely fashion.
- Set up and take down the sanctuary and rooms as needed for classes and meetings.
- Negotiate on needs assessment, finance and scheduling issues with contractors when maintenance and repair services are needed.
- Supervise the part-time grounds keeper, custodial assistant, and church members who volunteer for maintenance responsibilities.
- Perform other tasks and responsibilities as assigned by the Church Administrator.
Director of Lifelong Faith Formation
This position involves directing, supporting, and creating ministries that focus on equipping people to live a vibrant faith that lasts a lifetime, reflecting the mission, vision and values of our faith community.
- Communicate a vision for life-long faith that focuses on the PEOPLE who serve as faith mentors, the PRACTICES we wish to embed in people lives, and the PLACES where faith will be practiced throughout the week.
- Coordinate the Adult Discipleship Hour and other study opportunities.
- Schedule and plan milestones celebrations for all ages.
- Lead the Faith Builders confirmation ministry, equip guides who serve as faith mentors.
- Oversee small group ministries and the New Disciples groups.
- Provide annual and ongoing training for all teachers, mentors, and panelists.
- Create procedure for evaluating faith forming activities on a regular basis.
- Submit an annual budget to the Board to support the ministries of lifelong faith.
Pastor (Lead)
This position involves providing visionary leadership, direction, training and encouragement to staff and lay leaders around the church's mission, vision, and values. The Lead Pastor serves as head of staff and works closely with the Board to help ensure the alignment of mission among paid and unpaid church leaders.
- Provide visionary leadership, working in partnership with the Board, program staff and other lay leaders, establish and oversee the visionary and strategic direction of the congregation. Serving as the primary spokesperson for the congregation, communicate and advocate for the goals and intentions of the congregation to staff, members and the community at large.
- Provide liturgical leadership by overseeing the direction and planning of worship life and administering of sacraments, including seasonal thematic preaching and special worship celebrations. Perform baptisms, weddings and funerals. Preach two or more times a month in addition to special services during Christmas, Lent and Holy Week.
- Lead staff by providing direction, supervision and spiritual encouragement to staff. Develop their spiritual gifts in light of their passions. Direct their energies to fulfilling the congregation’s mission and carrying out its primary goals.
- Help select, onboard, and develop new pastors, staff, and leaders to ensure alignment with the church's unique culture.
- Proactively manage the transitions that take place among paid staff, Board members, and key ministry team leaders,
- Help ensure the long-term financial viability through ongoing discernment and wise stewardship of resources.
- Provide leadership in pastoral care to members on a rotating basis.
- Strive to embed spiritual practices and storytelling into all facets of ministry.
- Lead an annual retreat for paid staff and elected leaders.
Shared Ministry Director
This position will develop and facilitate the "intentional enfolding" of people who choose to make CHBC their church home. This enfolding includes the initial acclimation and assimilation into the fellowship, as well as providing opportunities for people to discover their giftedness in ministry and service. The coordinator will function as a team leader to develop and coordinate various teams of people called to provide the hands to help enact the "intentional enfolding."
- Develop and coordinate a clear path for visitors and new attendees to become a vital part of the fellowship:
- Develop, coordinate, and participate in various aspects of Sunday morning hospitality/welcoming ministries (greeters, visitor welcome, etc.)
- Develop and update materials, publications, and signage to assist in intentional enfolding (brochures, handbooks, Web site material, and the like)
- Coordinate visitor and new member follow-up ministry.
- Help plan and participate in quarterly newcomer classes.
- Administrate all aspects of prospective-member classes (currently two per year)
- Develop support systems and resources related to the visitor information database, gifts-assessment tools, ministry interest surveys, ministry opportunity/giftedness attributes resources, ministry tracking system via modifications to church database, a church-wide photo wall,
- Recruit, coordinate, and oversee teams that develop, facilitate, and encourage enfolding in the following areas:
- hospitality/welcome —> Sunday morning, other church-wide events
- assimilation/acclimation —> "people's connections," that is, Suppers of Six, small groups
- ministry connection —> interviews and systems to connect people with ministry opportunities; Ministry Sunday.
Small Group Ministry Coordinator
This position provides direction, administration, and oversight of small groups accessible to the church congregation and the community at large. This position involves pastoral care, oversight and leadership development of all small groups. This is a part-time, salaried position that reports to the lead pastor. This role requires a strong communication and leadership skills, a heart for building faith and building community, a willingness to take risks and initiate action, and openness bring out God's best in other people. Requirements include a demonstrated ability to lead teams, develop people, and track progress.
- Plan, launch, and develop current and new small group ministry teams.
- Collaborate with the Connections Team and the Lifelong Faith Formation Teams to support one another's initiatives.
- Provide general and specific vision, direction, and outreach strategies for Small Group Ministry.
- Facilitate new leader’s orientation meetings, leadership training meetings, and ongoing learning events.
- Assist the Care Team in equipping and orienting new Befriender groups.
- Serve as a spokesperson for the Small Group Ministries within and beyond the churches.
- Develop Small Group Leader's Manual and a Small Group Opportunities Booklet. Post on church website.
- Attend staff meetings at least once a month.
- Submit a progress report to the church board on a monthly basis. Provide in-person quarterly updates to the board.
- Equip and empower paid staff to embed small group ministry concepts and practices into their leadership teams and activities.
Traditional Worship Coordinator
This position, in partnership with pastors, coordinates planning, organizing, rehearsing, accompanying, and leading dynamic, inspiring weekly worship experiences. This position is full-time and requires at least a bachelor's degree in music, and five or more years' experience leading worship and music in a congregational setting.
- Plan music, select hymns, schedule choirs, and coordinate special music (as needed) for worship. This requires working cooperatively with pastors and other worship staff, being sensitive to the flow of worship, and keeping planned sermon themes in mind. Coordinate special music with the Contemporary Worship Music Director when special music is offered at both services and/or a joint service is planned.
- Direct weekly choir rehearsals.
- Select appropriate choral music for the Senior Choir and other ensembles, being sensitive to seasonal needs, scripture, range, difficulty, mood, rehearsal schedule, and budget.
- Schedule music selections. Publish music schedule specifying anthem, composer, service date, service time, service slot, rehearsal time, rehearsal place, warm-up time, warm-up place and choir dress code.
- Provide organ accompaniment for liturgy and hymns, as well as prelude, postlude, etc.
- Be present as necessary to accompany worship, coordinate and direct choir and other musical ensembles, and assist other worship leaders, vocalists, and musicians. This includes Sundays and other designated times (i.e. Advent/Christmas, Lent/Holy Week).
- Inform the office staff of music to be used in worship. (It is most helpful for the office staff to know music titles, composers, and musicians involved at least ten days before each scheduled worship service).
- Coordinate music purchases, catalog music, and maintain copyright and music licenses.
- Schedule maintenance and tuning of the organ and pianos.
- Attend staff meetings and serve as a member of the Worship Team.
- Perform related duties as specified by the supervising pastor.
Youth Ministry Coordinator
This position shall assist the Director of Youth Ministry in the development, maintenance and supervision of an active, faith-based, youth ministry program for seventh grade through twelfth grade, designed to promote faith in Jesus Christ; commitment to the church; and service to others.
- Assist in development of robust youth activities / programs and curriculums, coordinating and teaming with: Director, Youth Ministry; Associate Pastor; staff; adult volunteers; and representative youth ministry leaders;
- Provide leadership and support for youth activities;
- Aid in recruiting, training, and supporting volunteer adult and youth leaders;
- Support and encourage the youth in their individual ministries and faith development within and outside the Lord of
- Life Lutheran Church community;
- Serve as a mentor for the youth and their families, referring them for guidance and counseling as deemed appropriate necessary to the Pastors or other appropriate agencies; and
- Assist in the planning, programming, coordination, and support of youth fundraisers, fellowship, service, and spiritual events.
- Plan, coordinate, supervise and chaperone a weekly event for Lord of Life Youth (LoLY). 2.Coordinate and supervise LoLY fundraising activities.
- Manage and maintain a carpool system for transportation when necessary.
- Manage and maintain the Confirmation and LoLY bulletin boards.
- Work with Director, Youth Ministry to publicize youth opportunities in the Sunday bulletin, newsletter and other church media resources, as well as other media, as appropriate.
- Plan and coordinate devotions for LoLY events.
- Assist in the planning, support and chaperoning of youth retreats / trips.
- Assist with Youth Leadership Council and Youth Board meetings.
- Attend and participate in Confirmation classes and events.
- Serve as Confirmation Small Group Mentor, when required.
- Assist in the management and maintenance of program curricula, materials, supplies, and equipment.
- Work with the Director, of Youth Ministry in the preparation of the Youth Ministry budget and annual report to the congregation.
- Attend staff related events, as directed.
Volunteer Job Descriptions
Traditional Worship Coordinator
This position, in partnership with pastors, coordinates planning, organizing, rehearsing, accompanying, and leading dynamic, inspiring weekly worship experiences. This position is full-time and requires at least a bachelor's degree in music, and five or more years' experience leading worship and music in a congregational setting.
- Plan music, select hymns, schedule choirs, and coordinate special music (as needed) for worship. This requires working cooperatively with pastors and other worship staff, being sensitive to the flow of worship, and keeping planned sermon themes in mind. Coordinate special music with the Contemporary Worship Music Director when special music is offered at both services and/or a joint service is planned.
- Direct weekly choir rehearsals.
- Select appropriate choral music for the Senior Choir and other ensembles, being sensitive to seasonal needs, scripture, range, difficulty, mood, rehearsal schedule, and budget.
- Schedule music selections. Publish music schedule specifying anthem, composer, service date, service time, service slot, rehearsal time, rehearsal place, warm-up time, warm-up place and choir dress code.
- Provide organ accompaniment for liturgy and hymns, as well as prelude, postlude, etc.
- Be present as necessary to accompany worship, coordinate and direct choir and other musical ensembles, and assist other worship leaders, vocalists, and musicians. This includes Sundays and other designated times (i.e. Advent/Christmas, Lent/Holy Week).
- Inform the office staff of music to be used in worship. (It is most helpful for the office staff to know music titles, composers, and musicians involved at least ten days before each scheduled worship service).
- Coordinate music purchases, catalog music, and maintain copyright and music licenses.
- Schedule maintenance and tuning of the organ and pianos.
- Attend staff meetings and serve as a member of the Worship Team.
- Perform related duties as specified by the supervising pastor.
This is where the description goes.
Purpose: The Communications Team oversees the look, feel and scope of the church’s communication platforms to support the fulfillment of the church’s mission, ensuring that key messages are communicated regularly to all stakeholders.
Team Responsibilities
Individual Responsibilities
PURPOSE: Help people develop a mature Christian faith that lasts a lifetime.
PURPOSE: Help people experience and follow Jesus by helping them know, love and serve God in the context of an authentic Christian community.
PURPOSE: Help people experience Jesus and follow Jesus by helping them know, love and serve God.
Purpose: The Communications Team oversees the look, feel and scope of the church’s communication platforms to support the fulfillment of the church’s mission, ensuring that key messages are communicated regularly to all stakeholders.
Team Responsibilities
- Develop and periodically review a Soul Script that defines the uniqueness and key messages to be conveyed to all stakeholders within and beyond the church.
- Conduct a church-wide communication survey every three years to determine the communication needs and preferences of its stakeholders.
- Create and implement a strategy for becoming more visible in the community.
- Create a Communications Team Calendar that lists key messages, and events to be highlighted each month.
- Review each communication platform on an annual basis, assessing its impact, reach, and overall effectiveness.
- Provide support and oversight to project coordinators who are responsible for various facets of communication.
- Assist organizers of social media platforms with developing monthly and/or quarterly posting schedules around themes that form faith, build community and encourage storytelling.
- Provide recommendations each year to the Finance Committee concerning funds needed to support new and ongoing communication initiatives.
Individual Responsibilities
- Website Review Coordinator – Review the church website every month, making note of typographical errors, outdated content, broken links or formatting/loading issues. Pass on notes to webmaster.
- Website Design Team Coordinator – Review the church’s website along with 10 other church websites every month, gathering feedback and ideas for improving the church’s overall look and user experience.
- Website Content Provider – Assist with gathering information that needs to be added to the website.
- Website Editor – Review existing and new website content to ensure that information engaging, relevant and accessible to a first-time visitor to the site. Content should be written with the target audience in mind.
- E-news Coordinator – Provide oversight of the content, format and consistent delivery of the weekly e-newsletter. Maintain the e-news database and respond to inquiries that arise from readers.
- Monthly Newsletter Coordinator – Provide oversight of the content, format and consistent delivery of the church newsletter. Develop a template that’s user-friendly and reinforces your mission, core values and key messages. Review five other church newsletters every month to gain ideas for improving the newsletter.
- Worship Bulletin Coordinator – Create and print bulletin that aids people in worshiping God.
- Worship Announcements Coordinator – Create announcements to be shared verbally, in printed form, and through digital platforms that help participants to engage more fully in the life of the church. Determine which messages shared during worship and which messages should be communicated through other communication platforms.
- Facebook Page Content Coordinator - Post timely and relevant content to site 3-5 times a week.
- Instagram Social Media Coordinator - Post timely and relevant content to site 3-5 times a week.
- Pinterest Social Media Coordinator – Post timely and relevant content to site twice a week.
- Twitter Social Media Coordinator – Post timely and relevant content to site 3-5 times a week.
- Branding Coordinator – Create a Brand Standards Guide. Ensure that all platforms have a similar look and feel.
PURPOSE: Help people develop a mature Christian faith that lasts a lifetime.
- Establish annual goals for equipping every home to practice faith every day, everywhere, with everyone.
- Keep stakeholders well-informed of our mission, vision, goals and activities.
- Develop specific programs and ministries to equip parents, grandparents and god parents to model vibrant faith principles and practices.
- Assist congregational leaders in developing a common language that supports vibrant faith formation.
- Integrate milestones celebrations into home and congregational settings.
- Surround young people with caring adults who model a vibrant faith (mentors, small group leaders, etc.).
- Help people share their life stories and faith practices via testimonies, video clips, newsletter articles, small group setting and large group activities.
- Attend 10 meetings during the year to plan, promote, implement and evaluate our faith formation activities.
PURPOSE: Help people experience and follow Jesus by helping them know, love and serve God in the context of an authentic Christian community.
- Establish and monitor confirmation ministry outcomes and strategies.
- Recruit, train and support members of the leadership team.
- Work with teachers in developing curriculum.
- Purchase equipment, supplies and curriculum.
- Collect confirmation fees, monitor expenses as needed.
- Schedule retreat dates and make arrangements for transportation and lodging.
- Maintain student records - class attendance, worship attendance, service hours & acolyte hours.
- Send monthly "Confirmation Update" emails to all confirmands and their parents.
PURPOSE: Help people experience Jesus and follow Jesus by helping them know, love and serve God.
- Arrange and decorate your assigned room in a manner that promotes community and faith formation.
- Teach students assigned Bible stories along with Four Key faith practices.
- Partner with parents, equipping them to be the primary faith shapers of their children.
Elected Leadership
- Oversee board and executive committee meetings.
- Work in partnership with the chief executive to make sure board resolutions are carried out.
- Call special meetings if necessary.
- Appoint all committee chairs, and with the chief executive, recommends who will serve on committees.
- Assist chief executive in preparing agenda for board meetings.
- Assist chief executive in conducting new board member orientation.
- Oversee searches for a new chief executive.
- Coordinates chief executive's annual performance evaluation.
- Work with the governance committee to recruit new board members.
- Act as an alternate spokesperson for the organization.
- Periodically consult with board members on their roles and helps them assess their performance.
- Attend all board meetings.
- Serve on the executive committee if one exists.
- Carry out special assignments as requested by the board chair.
- Understand the responsibilities of the board chair and be able to perform these duties in the chair's absence.
- Participate as a vital part of the board leadership.
- Attend all board meetings.
- Serve on the executive committee if one exists.
- Ensure the safety and accuracy of all board records.
- Review board minutes.
- Assume responsibilities of the chair in the absence of the board chair, and vice chair.
- Provide notice of meetings of the board and/or of a committee when such notice is required.
- Attend all board meetings.
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Understand financial accounting for nonprofit organizations.
- Serve as the chair of the finance committee.
- Manage, with the finance committee, the board's review of and action related to the board's financial responsibilities.
- Work with the chief executive and the chief financial officer to provide accurate and timely financial reports to the board.
- Present the annual budget to the board for approval.
- Review the annual audit and answer board members' questions about the audit.
Faith Formation
Purpose/Overview: Help people develop a mature Christian faith that lasts a lifetime. Establish annual goals for equipping every home to practice faith every day, everywhere, with everyone. Keep stakeholders well-informed of our mission, vision, goals and activities. Develop specific programs and ministries to equip parents, grandparents and god parents to model vibrant faith principles and practices. Assist congregational leaders in developing a common language that supports vibrant faith formation. Integrate milestones celebrations into home and congregational settings.
Surround young people with caring adults who model a vibrant faith (mentors, small group leaders, etc.). Help people share their life stories and faith practices via testimonies, video clips, newsletter articles, small group setting and large group activities. Attend 10 meetings during the year to plan, promote, implement and evaluate our faith formation activities.
Purpose & Responsibilities: To help people experience and follow Jesus by helping them know, love and serve God in the context of an authentic Christian community. This person will:
PURPOSE: Help people experience Jesus and follow Jesus by helping them know, love and serve God.
Purpose/Overview: Help people develop a mature Christian faith that lasts a lifetime. Establish annual goals for equipping every home to practice faith every day, everywhere, with everyone. Keep stakeholders well-informed of our mission, vision, goals and activities. Develop specific programs and ministries to equip parents, grandparents and god parents to model vibrant faith principles and practices. Assist congregational leaders in developing a common language that supports vibrant faith formation. Integrate milestones celebrations into home and congregational settings.
Surround young people with caring adults who model a vibrant faith (mentors, small group leaders, etc.). Help people share their life stories and faith practices via testimonies, video clips, newsletter articles, small group setting and large group activities. Attend 10 meetings during the year to plan, promote, implement and evaluate our faith formation activities.
Purpose & Responsibilities: To help people experience and follow Jesus by helping them know, love and serve God in the context of an authentic Christian community. This person will:
- Establish and monitor confirmation ministry outcomes and strategies.
- Recruit, train and support members of the leadership team.
- Work with teachers in developing curriculum.
- Purchase equipment, supplies and curriculum.
- Collect confirmation fees, monitor expenses as needed.
- Schedule retreat dates and make arrangements for transportation and lodging.
- Maintain student records - class attendance, worship attendance, service hours & acolyte hours.
- Send monthly "Confirmation Update" emails to all confirmands and their parents.
PURPOSE: Help people experience Jesus and follow Jesus by helping them know, love and serve God.
- Arrange and decorate your assigned room in a manner that promotes community and faith formation.
- Teach students assigned Bible stories along with Four Key faith practices.
- Partner with parents, equipping them to be the primary faith shapers of their children.