Welcome to Leading Well!

Join a community of curious leaders who strive to live and lead well every day.  This community helps church leaders do less, do what matters, and design a lives that life-giving, purposeful, and Christ-centered. 


  • Give yourself permission to rest and be renewed.
  • Set better boundaries; learn to say no nicely.
  • Create new rituals and rhythms of renewal.
  • Remember who you are whose you are.
  • Model a sustainable lifestyle for others.
  • Crowdsource with other leaders.
  • Participate in year-round Master Classes.
  • Access videos, blogs, and articles on demand.
  • Gain insights and ideas at Learning Retreats.
  • Participate in monthly learning labs.
  • Participate 1/2 day training intensives.
  • Connect online on Leading Well Facebook Group.
  • Connect online via the Surface to Soul App.
  • Meet 1-on-1 with a coach or spiritual director.
  • Meet monthly as part of a coaching cohort.
  • Participate in annual Leading Well Learning Retreat.
  • Create an annual leadership formation plan.
  • Navigate next steps with a certified coach.
  • Learn steps for reinventing life and ministries.
  • Develop new norms to sustain ongoing change.

Program Outcomes

  • Craft a rule of life that leads to vibrant faith and vital congregations.
  • Craft a leadership philosophy that embraces learning and adaptability.
  • Assess your overall well-being using the Wholeness Wheel.
  • Assess the health of your paid and unpaid ministry team leaders. 
  • Increase leadership agility via DISC/Enneagram/EQ assessments.
  • Create a 1-page annual road map outline plans for living well.
  • Create a 1-page annual road map outlining plans for leading well.
  • Create a Leadership Formation Plan to increase your leadership agility.
  • Experience collegial support via the Leading Well Facebook Group.
  • Receive individual and group coaching to support your intentions..

Events & Learning Retreats

Upcoming Events Listed in Chronological order 
  • Leading Well 5-Session Cohort (4/4-5/30)
  • Change Your Church 1/2 Day Training (4/23)
  • Build Faith 1/2 Day Training (5/7)
  • Strategic Generosity 5-Session Cohort (5/2-6/27)
  • Change Your Church 5-Session Cohort (5/9-6/20)
  • Build Connections 1/2 Day Training (8/20)
  • ACC-level Coach Training (9/4-12/13)
  • Leading Well Learning Retreat (November 18-21)
  • Leadership Book Discussions (held the 3rd Wednesday of the month)

The Leading Well programs will help you . . .

Move toward your preferred future
Evoke new awareness & possibilities
Do Less | Do what matters
Help you

Notes for New PLD Recipients

  • You are invited to join the Leading Well Facebook Group.
  • Coaching & training events are held on Zoom:
  • You will be invited to download the Surface to Soul app.


  • Attitude:  Be positive, present, playful, proactive,  and open-minded,
  • Actions: Be on time, ready to contribute, and seek to "go first."  
  • Assumptions:  Be willing to stretch yourself and trust the process.

Build better, brighter, bolder futures

What participants say about Leading Well

  • "I was encouraged to do less rather than adding more to my life. It was a game-changer."
  • "I exercise leadership differently after defining my leadership philosophy and practices." 
  • "I received tools to help me give away ministry rather than doing most of it by myself."
  • "The Leading Well program helped me set better work/life boundaries."
  • "The training affirmed many of the gifts I have  to offer others - and what I should no. longer do."
  • The training and resources I received helped me navigate change in more nimble ways."
  • "I've become more comfortable with being uncomfortable."
  • "Sabbath has been woven into my daily life. It's no longer a once a week mindset."
  • "I've become a more strategic, forward-thinking,  future-oriented leader."
  • "I love the crowdsourcing that we do at the learning retreats and through Facebook."
  • "I'm a more confident, calm, and capable leader now. I no longer try to control everything"
  • "I've become more authentic, transparent, and relational as a leader."
  • "Becoming an ICF-certified coach through this program was an unanticipated surprise."

Pastoral Leadership Development Program (PLD) Information

This grant program is available to ELCA Lutheran Pastors serving in Wisconsin & Upper Michigan

2024 GRANT ENROLLMENT FORM (Winter/Spring)