Teams That Thrive
on April 17th, 2024
By Jim Ladoux Teams That Thrive by Ryan W. Quinn and Robert E. Quinn is a book that explores the dynamics of successful teams and how they can achieve peak performance. Here's a brief summary of each chapter of the book along with some considers I've been asking about the teams I lead, coach, or participate in. 1 | The Four Pillars of a Thriving TeamThe authors introduce the concept of thriving te...  Read More
Everything isn't terrible
on April 9th, 2024
By Jim LaDoux The book by Kathleen Smith, Everything Isn't Terrible: Conquer Your Insecurities, Interrupt Your Anxiety, and Finally Calm Down, provides a wealth of insights on how to live a less anxious and more fulfilling life that’s guided by principles that reflect our true self.  Using Bowen Theories, it reflects an approach for managing anxiety by looking at our relational systems where we re...  Read More
6 shifts your church needs to navigate
on April 3rd, 2024
By Jim LaDoux Thriving congregations pay attention to the shifts taking place in life and ministry and find ways to successfully navigate their way toward a preferred future of being church in times of constant disruptions. Listed below are 6 facets of ministry I see church leaders embrace to support vibrant faith and a vital congregational culture.FACET 1 | THEY LOOK FOR GOD AT WORK IN THE WORLDM...  Read More
Checklists for onboarding members and leaders
on March 27th, 2024
By Jim LaDoux Thriving congregations recognize the importance of positioning people for maximum impact. Your onboarding process helps people start strong and engage in ministry more quickly and effectively.Listed below are sample orientation checklists. Use the information below as a guide for customizing the onboarding process for your members and leaders. You may wish to ask current staff and le...  Read More
The Elevation Approach
on March 26th, 2024
By Jim LaDoux The Elevation Approach, by Tina Wells, is a helpful guide for helping people elevate the quality of their lives and ministries to a new level, and for helping people live as our best selves. It’s a book that challenge readers to take on projects that bring them joy, do less but do what matters, and to experience work-life harmony in the midst of our competing commitments. Listed be a...  Read More
The Art of Noticing (Part 2)
on March 12th, 2024
By Jim LaDoux The Art of Noticing is a thought-provoking book designed to spark one’s awareness and creativity through the intention use and focus of our senses. It challenges the reader to experience the moment and to be present to the people, places, sights, sounds, and smells of our environment. The book includes 131 simple and playful exercises to help you become a clearer thinker, a better li...  Read More



