Measure what matters

By Jim LaDoux
I wish it was easy to measure ministry effectiveness. We tend to measure thing that are easy rather than the things that matters, and as a result, we pour our time, money and energy into activities that  have limited impact on growing relationships, growing vibrant faith, and growing people's engagement in God's mission.

What would happen if . . .

What would happen if we stopped "reacting" and spent more time reflecting, rethinking, and re-imagining betters ways to live out our lives and our ministries? What if we asked fewer easy questions and more consequential ones?  Ask yourself the following questions:

  • In what ways am are we helping people know and follow Christ? How do we know?
  • Who is God calling me to invite into my life and invest in?
  • How will this activity lead to deeper connect God? Others? With God's mission?
  • What does deeper connection with God look like? What are some indicators?
  • What does deeper connection with others look like? How would we measure it?
  • What does deeper connection with our community look like?
  • How do we measure ministry success? What would be the scorecard?
  • What are the rituals, and traditions we seek to embed in household settings?
  • What would make it easier for people to practice faith at home? In daily life?
  • Who is God calling me/us to mentor this year?  Who could be mentors for me/us?

When we ask better questions, we get better results. If we're going to create a ministry scorecard, then let's figure out what's worth measuring. What matters most in your life and ministry?


1.  Where would you like to be more proactive in your personal life?
2.  Where would you like to be more proactive in your ministry settings?
3.  What settings could benefit from having people ask better, more strategic questions?

Jim LaDoux

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