Co-active Coaching (Part 4)

By Jim LaDoux
Part four of the book, Co-active Coaching, focuses on the integration of the three coaching principles that include:
  2. BALANCE, and

These principles serve as containers for fruitful conversations. As a coach:
  • When do you see these principles show up in your coaching conversations?
  • In one sentence describe what fulfillment is for you. What does balance mean for you?
  • Which principle is easiest for you to coach to?  Which one is the hardest?
  • How do you remain mindful of these principles when coaching?
  • Do you consider these principles when reflecting on your coaching impact and effectiveness?
  • How do you prepare to be more mindful of these principles when coaching?

Co-creating the coaching relationship

Coaches set the agenda for the coaching relationship and each coaching session. Coaches are responsibility for determining which approach to take based on those outcomes. Coaches guide the direction and flow of the conversation to honor their clients' intentions.
  • What have you learned about directing the flow of a coaching conversation while honoring your clients' outcomes and session objectives?
  • What helps you determine the which approaches to take with your clients?
  • What do you say or do to better understand a client's desired outcomes, particularly around fulfillment and balance?

Involving other helping professions

Clients often benefit from other helping professions before, during, and after a coaching relationship. Some coaches wear more than one hat while in a coaching relationship while other coaches may refer clients to other helping services.
  • How often do your clients seek out other helping services while coaching with you?
  • What are the benefits or drawbacks of having other parties involved in serving your clients?
  • Are there any services you currently provide for clients beside coaching?
  • What are the benefits or drawbacks of having a coach play other roles with clients?
  • Do have topics or types of clients that you're specifically seeking to service?

The involvement of third parties

It's not unusual that third parties may be involved in coaching relationships. Coaches need to anticipate these situations and provide good structure and boundaries to ensure confidentiality, clarity of roles, and specific responsibilities.
  • How do you currently manage third party situations?  What's working?  What's not?
  • How do you manage updates on progress made in coaching? Submitting reports?


1. What was the most important "takeaway" for Part 4 of Co-Active Coaching?
2. What will you say or do differently based on what you've read?
3. Who is coaching you toward greater fulfillment and balance in your life?
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