Use scripts to help people share stories
By Jim LaDoux
Make it easy for people to share their life, faith, impact, and generosity stories by providing them with a basic script to guide their conversations. Give people a few questions to think about ahead of time to respond to. You can also give people an index card that has 3 - 5 "complete the sentence" prompts. Providing people with scripts greatly increases the likelihood that they'll be willing to share their stories. Scripts also keep the narratives more concise and focused. Many people are more comfortable sharing their stories if they do it with another person. Listed below are some of the scripts I frequently use with church members and leaders.
Sample GENEROSITY Script (questions)
- What is your name? How long have you been a member at this church?
- What were you looking for when you came to our church?
- Do you remember when our church felt like it was your church home?
- What do you appreciate most about the ministry of our church?
- Why do you choose to support our church with your financial gifts?
- Why do you feel that its important that others grow in living generously?
Sample GENEROSITY Script (complete the sentence)
- Hi my name is ______ and I've been a member/ministry partner for ___ years.
- I/we decided to join this church because . . .
- People who have impacted my/our desire to live a life of generosity include . . .
- This year, we're choosing to increase our financial support of the church because . . .
- We hope our growing generosity will transform lives, particularly related to . . .
Sample IMPACT Script (questions)
- What is your name? How long have you been a member at this church?
- What individual or organization comes to mind when you think of how our church has impacted the lives of other people (1-2 sentences)?
- What changed for this person/organization (5-8 sentences; describe before/after)?
- How has our congregation's support made ongoing transformation like you described possible (1-3 sentences)?
- Where would you like to see our church have greater impact in our community?
Sample IMPACT Script (complete the sentence)
- Hi my name is ______ and I've been a member/ministry partner for ___ years.
- When I think about ways our church has impacted individuals and/or organizations in our community, I think of . . .
- Some of the changes I've observed include (3-5 sentences) . . .
- My hopes for how our congregation will continue to serve our neighbors include . . .
Sample FAITH IN DAILY LIFE Script (questions)
- What is your name? How long have you been a member at this church?
- What habits/activities do you engage in during the week that helps you live like Jesus?
- When and where do you talk about Jesus/God outside of a church setting?
- Who do you connect with regularly that inspires you/challenges you in your faith?
- What do you see as a next faithful step in growing as a Christ-follower?
Sample FAITH IN DAILY LIFE Script (complete the sentence)
- Hi my name is ______ and I've been a member/ministry partner for ___ years.
- A few ways I practice my faith and experience God in daily life include . . .
- During the week, I'm most aware of God's presence when/where I . . .
- A habit I've embedded into my daily life that helps me be spiritually grounded is . . .
Sample CALLING Script (questions)
- What is your name? How long have you been a member at this church?
- At what point in your life, did you become aware of some of your callings?
- Who helped you discover, embrace, or further develop those callings?
- How do you manage the competing commitments/callings in your life?
- What are some ways you'd like to live more fully into the callings you've named?
Sample CALLING Script (complete the sentence)
- Hi my name is ______ and I've been a member/ministry partner for ___ years.
- A time when I became more aware of a calling/callings in my life was . . . (when/where)
- I've continued to develop/more fully live into that calling by . . .
- Having embraced that calling/those callings in life has/have helped me . . .
Invite people to submit their own recordings
With most everyone having smartphones with cameras, you may wish to experiment with having people record their own videos and send them to you. Consider making an email template that includes a few sample scripts along with recording tips related to lighting, sound, camera angle, etc.
- What are the stories you'd like to capture and share in your ministry setting?
- Do you have a list of people you'd like to invite to share their story?
- Have you considered when and where these stories would be shared?
- How might you repurpose content so that it's used multiple times, on various platforms?
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