Create a plan for forming faith

By Jim LaDoux
A church from California Vibrant Faith works with created a 3-year plan based on the theme, "Called to Connect." It focused on forming faith:
The information below describes one of the year's annual goals for their faith formation team (minus the specific details and timelines) which served as a guide for connecting people to God, each other, and one's callings.
- Beyond the church walls
- Based on people's existing network of friends
- Emphasized sharing faith stories, and
- Discussed people's next steps for growing in faith.
The information below describes one of the year's annual goals for their faith formation team (minus the specific details and timelines) which served as a guide for connecting people to God, each other, and one's callings.
1 | Broaden our Network of Support for Families
- Provide monthly opportunities for families to connect with other families from church (in person and online - for learning and support).
- Help families identify faith mentors in their life and create a web of support that includes grand parents, neighbors, relatives, and church members.
- Provide crowdsourcing tools based on what families have share what has been most helpful to them.
2 | Connect Church into People's Daily Lives
- Have pastor provide a weekly prayer, a scripture passage and short video recap of the weekly service.
- Create a Facebook posting team that will curate and post new content on Facebook 4 times a week.
- Record “live” children’s sermon and post on Facebook; include in weekly email.
- Post resources on the church website to help people create home-based milestones celebrations that occur throughout the year.
- Share “next steps” faith stories (of members) during worship and online via Youtube channel
- Equip Sunday School, confirmation, and Youth group leaders to demonstrate faith practices during gatherings once a month.
- Create an annual schedule for when faith stories are shared in person and online.
3 | Record & Share 5 Spiritual Autobiographies
- Create a list of questions to ask elderly members of the church about their life, about pivot points in their faith, and how they practice faith now.
- Identify 5 members over age 70 to interview in person or via Zoom.
- Create a 3-person “tech” who will record, edit, and post videos.
- Interview 2 family members from each member that was recorded.
- With share videos with members during worship and via Youtube.
- If this pilot is deemed impactful, explore ways to repeat it, expand it.
- When and where do you share faith stories in your congregation?
- Where else to faith stories be shared more frequently?
- Whose faith stories are selected to be shared? Are all ages represented?
- What could your church do to connect members more intentionally with other members?
- What could your church do to broaden people's support network for forming faith?
- Who is God calling you to connect with to support their next steps in faith?
- What would your 1-year plan for forming faith look like for your church?
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1 Comment
When and where do you share faith stories in your congregation? (During the offering or ministry moments & small groups)
Where else to faith stories be shared more frequently? (during the sermon)
Whose faith stories are selected to be shared? Are all ages represented? (when we hear a great one, we ask that person to share in person, in writing and/or by video)
What could your church do to connect members more intentionally with other members? small groups; coffee hour one-on-ones cross-generationally
What could your church do to broaden people's support network for forming faith? steady small groups and faith sharing opportunities when people gather
Who is God calling you to connect with to support their next steps in faith? Confirmation students, high school students, our Belize mission team, those attending Chosen Video discussions.
What would your 1-year plan for forming faith look like for your church? It would look on a monthly basis how we use tools/devotions/testimonials/small groups/messages/discussion questions/table tents/mid-week services/mission trips to form faith across all generations.