Create ministry road maps

By Jim LaDoux
Ministry road maps serve as a guide to help leaders live and lead intentionally based on a congregation's. Maps help leaders keep the big picture in mind as well as the specific strategies and action steps that  describe a clear destination. Ministry maps begin to emerge after church leaders gain clarity about the follow questions:
  • Who are we (identity)?
  • Who are we called to serve?
  • ·What is our purpose? In what ways do we seek to transform people's lives?
  • What are our strengths?  What do we have to offer?
  • ·What is God calling us to be and do, right now, as we move forward in faith?

STEP 1 (REVIEW)  -  Describe "what  is"  

Once a vision team is formed, it takes 3-5 months to gathering information about the church and its local community, with the intent to describe what’s present, what’s real, and what energizes its faith community. The process involves listening members, to local community leaders, and identifying societal shifts are changing the ministry landscape in light of the “The Great Commission” (Matthew 26:16-20) and the “The Great Commandment” (Luke 10:27), and "to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8).

STEP 2 (RETHINK)  -  Imagine what "might  be"

Most vision teams spend 3-5 months rethinking and reimaging the church’s mission and ministry. Guided by its identity statement, marks of discipleship (worship, devotion, compassion, and justice) or other indicators of a thriving congregation, a vision team explores missional pathways that are simple, nimble, impactful, and scalable. Before or during the visioning the process, the church often reviews and streamlines the church structure, identifies ministry partners, and then reinvents plans, programs, norms, and approaches for impacting and reaching more people at and beyond the church.

STEP 3 (REINVENT)  -  Design a road maps for moving forward

The Reinvention stage focuses on systems and norms that clearly describe what the congregation needs to consistently say, do, measure, and celebrate as they move forward in ministry. The emerging ministry road map lists goals, projects, and tasks to address this year. The map is shared with paid staff, elected leaders, and ministry partners for additional feedback before it is presented to elected leaders or the congregation for a vote.

Once the road map is presented to and approved by the appropriate parties, a point person, and possibly a team is assigned to an individual who takes responsibility for charting its progress, making course corrections, listing next steps, learning from results, and keeping all parties abreast the recent successes, potential obstacles, and how people can contribute to its goals. 
Ministry road maps are designed to be "works in progress" that are continuously updated and refined to fit the needs of the people being served  You are welcome to view sample reinvention roadmaps from Vibrant Faith to help your leaders envision a preferred future for your congregation.

Jim LaDoux

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