Facilitate Client Growth

ACC-level Training Themes

100 - Introduction to Coaching
101 - What Coaching Is and Isn't
102 - Create Safe Coaching Space
103 - Demonstrate Ethical Practice
104 - Maintain Coaching Presence
105 - Asking Listening Skills
106 - Powerful Questioning Skills
107 - Appreciative Inquiry Coaching
108 - Establish Coaching Expectations
109 - Evoke New Awareness
110 - Coaching Clients Through Change
111- Design Action Steps
112 - Assess Coaching Proficiencies
113 - Facilitate Client Growth
114 - Direct Communication Skills
115 - Help Clients Set Goals
116 - Coaching Groups & Teams
117 - Managing Client Relationships
118 - Prepare for the ICF Exam
119 - Level One Practice labs (5 sessions)
120 - I-on-1 Interview on Reflection Paper


Jim LaDoux (Director of Coaching & Consulting)  |  612.865.0628
Schedule a Meeting with Jim (

Lesson Outcomes

  • Identify the steps and stages of a coaching relationship
  • Identify when to introduce what coaching is and isn't.
  • List resources to share with clients during a coaching relationship.
  • Review samples of a coaching proposal and signed agreement.
  • Identify opportunities to review and reset coaching expectations.
  • List ideas and approaches for engaging with clients between sessions.
  • Address what starting strong and ending well looks like when coaching.
  • Address what engagement with clients might look like after a relationship.
  • Help students create a sequential checklist to manage clients.
  • Identify when to evaluate the impact of your coaching conversations.


Key  Concepts

  • Process matters,
  • Checklists ensure ongoing excellence.
  • Recognize the connection between the coaching agreements and trust.
  • List ways that coaches create safe space for clients.
  • List ways that clients can help ensure a safe space for coaching conversations.
  • Explain the purpose of polls.
  • Start logging coach hours.

Questions & Applications

  • Which word/phrase from ICF’s coaching definition do you fine most compelling
  • Describe the characteristics of the physical space that help ensure safe space.
  • Determine WHERE you'll engage in coaching conversations with clients.
  • What are the pros and cons of meeting in person, on Zoom, or by phone?
  • What will you do this week to set up your safe space for coaching?

What your "next step" for mastering your coaching skills?