Change Your Church . . . everyday!
Vibrant, fruitful, growing congregations create a cycle of ongoing innovation and reinvention. It's a Spirit-driven process that involves:
This training address reinvention from the mindset of discerning and developing a strategic vision and as a process embed reinvention into our daily lives and routines. Join the conversation, share your wisdom, and learn from others.
- Asking powerful questions - during worship, among our members, with our neighbors, and through our online platforms.
- Observing our actions, assumptions, attitudes, approaches, messaging, schedules - along with what we measure and celebrate
- Experimenting with new concepts, prototyping new approaches, and asking "What would happen if" more often.
- Inspecting our results by listing what's working, what's not working, what we should stop, start, or keep doing.
- Repeating the cycle of innovation as an unending feedback loop that pushes us to make reinvention an everyday occasion.
This training address reinvention from the mindset of discerning and developing a strategic vision and as a process embed reinvention into our daily lives and routines. Join the conversation, share your wisdom, and learn from others.
- Share your name, location, and hopes for the cohort.
- Share what a thriving congregation looks like to you.
- Moving from Surface to Soul.
- Define your primary purpose in ONE sentence.
- Share how you'll fulfill purpose in 3 sentences.
- Share why it matters.
- Share how people can help.
- Measure what matters - impact & reach, and relations
- The 6 Indicators of thriving congregations
- The 5 "flourishing" practices.
- 5 learnings from the Thriving Congregations initiative.
- 4 skills leaders need to continually anticipate & adapt.
- 3 focus areas of ministry that need attention and a plan.
- 7 | The importance of developing bifocal leaders and teams.
- 8 | Addressing detours & delays that derail plans.
- Models for fulfilling mission change constantly.
- Know your why - what do you want for people?
- List your non-negotiables. Avoid mission drift.
- All leaders need a roadmap.
- Who articulates your church's purpose?
- Who should be articulating it's purpose?
- Why is our purpose so "fuzzy" to people?
- What does our purpose help us say no to?
- If your mission is clear, what models need to change?
- Read your mission. Is it clear and compelling?
- Find out who knows and can recite your mission statement.
- Consider Shorten it the mission statement.
- Create a tagline to capture your church's uniqueness.
- Complete the sentence: "We help people . . ."
- Get clear about purpose, personally.
- List all the places mission is shared.
- Clarify your values; rank your priorities.
- List what your church is passionate about.
- Track your trajectory.
1 | Identify the elements that impact your culture.
2 | List what you're saying that's helping/hindering culture.3 | List who the culture creators are in your system.
4 | Identify possible next steps for aligning your culture.
1 | Clarify and reinforce your purpose, priorities, and passions.
2 | Create operational values that support missional initiatives.
3 | Change your questions. Change your conversations and results.
4 | Review John Kotter's insights on why transformation efforts fail.
5 | Reset your communication, meetings, and messaging norms.
6 | Reset your daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly practices.
7 | Reset what you measure, pay attention to, and celebrate.
2 | Create operational values that support missional initiatives.
3 | Change your questions. Change your conversations and results.
4 | Review John Kotter's insights on why transformation efforts fail.
5 | Reset your communication, meetings, and messaging norms.
6 | Reset your daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly practices.
7 | Reset what you measure, pay attention to, and celebrate.
1 | Leaders often sent mixed messages about culture.
2 | Your leaders should see themselves as culture creators.
3 | Culture is created by what we consistently say and do.
4 | Churches need to have missional and operational values.
5 | Ongoing leadership onboarding and training is essential.
6 | Excessive information hides what's most important.
7 | Pay attention to norms as much as goals.
8 | Start "what iffing" your norms.
9 | Connect "why' with what you do.
2 | Your leaders should see themselves as culture creators.
3 | Culture is created by what we consistently say and do.
4 | Churches need to have missional and operational values.
5 | Ongoing leadership onboarding and training is essential.
6 | Excessive information hides what's most important.
7 | Pay attention to norms as much as goals.
8 | Start "what iffing" your norms.
9 | Connect "why' with what you do.
1 | How would you describe your current culture?
2 | What "shifts" are needed to build a better culture?
3 | How could you help leaders model your desired culture?
4 | Which leaders send mixed messages about your culture?
5 | What do you celebrate about your current culture?
6 | What do you need to measure? Celebrate?
7 | How could intentional storytelling transform your culture?
2 | What "shifts" are needed to build a better culture?
3 | How could you help leaders model your desired culture?
4 | Which leaders send mixed messages about your culture?
5 | What do you celebrate about your current culture?
6 | What do you need to measure? Celebrate?
7 | How could intentional storytelling transform your culture?
1 | Change your meeting agendas and norms.
2 | Change your nominating/hiring/selection/process.
3 | Start modeling the culture your church is striving for.
4 | Start asking, "Why?" and "Why not?"
5 | Identify one message, norms, and team to focus on.
2 | Change your nominating/hiring/selection/process.
3 | Start modeling the culture your church is striving for.
4 | Start asking, "Why?" and "Why not?"
5 | Identify one message, norms, and team to focus on.
1 | Identify 8 or more systems within your church.
2 | Learn to evaluate and improve each systems.
3 | Identify 1-3 systems to improve this year (rank/prioritize).
4 | Clarify your role in building better systems.
5 | Identify who will be your partners in changing systems.
2 | Learn to evaluate and improve each systems.
3 | Identify 1-3 systems to improve this year (rank/prioritize).
4 | Clarify your role in building better systems.
5 | Identify who will be your partners in changing systems.
1 | Orient staff and lay leaders about your course and culture.
2 | Orient new members and ministry partners.
3 | Use storytelling as a vehicle to shape and reinforce culture.
4 | Note the gaps between the current and preferred culture.
5 | 5 creative approaches for onboarding leaders & members.
6 | Keep the big picture in mind while taking faithful next steps.
2 | Orient new members and ministry partners.
3 | Use storytelling as a vehicle to shape and reinforce culture.
4 | Note the gaps between the current and preferred culture.
5 | 5 creative approaches for onboarding leaders & members.
6 | Keep the big picture in mind while taking faithful next steps.
1 | Most change efforts fail due to lack of systems.
2 | Connect your "WHATS" to your "WHYS."
3 | Share stories that reinforce your desired culture.
4 | Assign individuals (not teams) to be accountable.
5 | Help teams set bifocal goals.
6 | Have leaders set & share their faithful next steps.
7 | Have teams & board assess their work 1-4 times/year
8 | Identify why your change efforts fail.
9 | Create systems for sprinters rather than marathoners
2 | Connect your "WHATS" to your "WHYS."
3 | Share stories that reinforce your desired culture.
4 | Assign individuals (not teams) to be accountable.
5 | Help teams set bifocal goals.
6 | Have leaders set & share their faithful next steps.
7 | Have teams & board assess their work 1-4 times/year
8 | Identify why your change efforts fail.
9 | Create systems for sprinters rather than marathoners
1 | Are your leaders sufficiently humble and hungry?
2 | Who will be your saboteurs?
3 | Which system, if improved, would have a huge impact?
4 | Is your church suffering from a "good enough" mindset?
5 | How are you contributing to dysfunctional systems?
2 | Who will be your saboteurs?
3 | Which system, if improved, would have a huge impact?
4 | Is your church suffering from a "good enough" mindset?
5 | How are you contributing to dysfunctional systems?
1 | Share stories that reinforce your desired culture.
2 | Assign individuals (not teams) to be accountable.
3 | Create an Annual Leadership Planning Calendar.
4 | Create 1-page ministry road maps for all committees/teams.
5 | Rethink your staff/board meeting agendas & norms.
6 | Make a list of things you'll no longer tolerate.
7 | Explore ways combine or infuse rather than add.
Embrace simplicity as a value.
Make reviewing results your norm.
Measure impact & reach for all activities.
2 | Assign individuals (not teams) to be accountable.
3 | Create an Annual Leadership Planning Calendar.
4 | Create 1-page ministry road maps for all committees/teams.
5 | Rethink your staff/board meeting agendas & norms.
6 | Make a list of things you'll no longer tolerate.
7 | Explore ways combine or infuse rather than add.
Embrace simplicity as a value.
Make reviewing results your norm.
Measure impact & reach for all activities.
1 | FORM a visioning team
- Create job descriptions for team members.
- Establish criteria and process for selecting vision team members.
- Assign roles to individual members.
- Commission vision team members.
- Position members for greatest impact.
- How often do your leaders dream?
- Who are your primary vision casters?
- How far into the future do you dream?
- Who is invested in your present & future mission?
2 | Define your reality
- Conduct a congregation-wide survey.
- Review the church's current mission, vision, and values.
- Gather information about the church's history.
- Interview members and community leaders.
- Review programs and ministry activities.
- Create a roster of current ministry leaders.
- Gather current data regarding local demographics.
- Does your church have a current strategic plan?
- What's the status of your ministry teams/committees?
- What's working? What's not working?
- What's for process for onboarding members? Leaders?
- Are we staffed for the past, present, or future?
- List expectations you have for members.
3 | Rethink what's possible
- Complete Celebrate, Tweak, Add & Delete exercises.
- Compile a Ministry Site Profile base on info gathering during step 2.
- Host a visioning retreat to develop an emerging vision.
- Assembling short-term teams to create one-page ministry maps.
- Share emerging vision with members; schedule focus groups.
- What prevents people from befriending others?
- What norms can be create help people befriend?
- Is it safe for people to let their guard down?
- Do your leaders regularly befriend?
- Which church events are idea for befriending?
4 | Create annual road map
- Create a 4-page plan summarizing goals, strategies and steps.
- Address staffing and structural issues to be addressed in year 2.
- Align committees, teams and task forces with purpose and priorities.
- Develop infrastructure plan to support ministry goals.
- Set & celebrate short-term milestones; communicate progress to members.
- Where can members access information about our plans?
- How will we sharing our findings and successes with others?
- Have we built feedback loops into planning processes?
- How often will we review and update our plans?
- Who will be the keeper of our plans?
- How will we hold each other accountable?
VIDEOS to watch
BOOKS to read
- Advanced Strategic Planning
- Agile Engagement
- Agility Shift
- Analog Church
- Be Mean about the Vision
- Beyond Maintenance to Mission
- Beyond the Idea
- Beyond the Prototype
- Black Box Thinking
- Building the Bridge as You Walk on It
- By Design or Default
- Change
- Change: How Organizations Achieve Hard to Imagine Results in Uncertain and Volatile Times
- Change and Conflict in Your Congregation
- Change the Culture, Change the Game
- Change Your Church for Good
- Changing the Conversation
- Charting Change
- Church Leadership Essentials
- Church Leadership
- Church Revitalization Checklist
- Church Transfusion
- Church Unique
- Clarity First
- Cracking Creativity
- Cracking Your Church's Culture Code
- Creating Your Church's Culture
- Discerning God's Will Together
- Discerning Your Congregation's Future
- Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization
- Doing the Math of Mission
- Dream Big, Think Small
- Everywhere You Look
- Holy Conversations
- Kingdom Innovation for a Brave New World
- Leveling the Church
- Making the Shift Field Guide
- Mapping Innovation
- Memories, Hopes, and Conversations
- Missional Renaissance
- Missional Worship, Worshipful Mission
- Navigating the Future
- Nine Marks of a Healthy Church
- Open Source Church
- Paid to Think
- Pursuing God's Will Together
- Quietly Courageous
- Recreating the Church
- Reframing Hope
- Reframing Organizations
- Sailboat Church
- Shift 2.0
- Shift: Three Big Moves for the 21st Century Church
- Start This Stop That
- Strategic Planning: A Pragmatic Guide
- Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard
- Ten Types of Innovation
- The Agile Church
- The Anticipatory Organization
- The Creativity Leap
- The Five Faces of Genius
- The Five Most Important Questions
- The Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations
- The Four Lenses of Innovation
- The Gathered and Scattered Church
- The Kingdom Connected
- The Power of Asset-Mapping
- The Power of Moments
- The Post-Quarantine Church
- The Practice: Shipping Creative Work
- The Road to Better Habits
- The Shaping of Things to Come
- The Strategy Visioning Workshop Journal
- Thriving Communities
- Transformational Church
- Transforming Congregational Culture
- Whole Church: Leading from Fragmentation to Engagement