Continue your coaching journey with the PCC-level Training Course
We look forward to walking alongside you on your journey toward being an effective and engaged coach! You will learn the essential coaching skills, approaches, mindsets needed to facilitate powerful and transformative coaching conversations. You will engage with other student that bring their wisdom and experience to the training, and you'll work with several Vibrant Faith coaching school instructors . Listed below are faculty that you'll interact with on a regular basis - both during classes, practice labs, panel and book discussions, and via blogs. You'll also meet several other faculty members who will equip, encourage, and empower you in fulfilling your training objectives.
Sessions are held 1:00-3:00pm Central Time
SEP 4: ACC- VS PCC-level Competencies(201)
SEP 9: Modifying Coaching Agreements (202)
SEP 11: Strategies for Evoking New Awareness (203)
SEP 16: Develop Your Client Base (204)
SEP 18: Expand Your Coaching Network (205)
SEP 23: Direct Communication - Part 1 (206)
SEP 25: Direct Communication - Part 2 (206)
SEP 30: Marketing Your Live Event (207)
SEP 9: Modifying Coaching Agreements (202)
SEP 11: Strategies for Evoking New Awareness (203)
SEP 16: Develop Your Client Base (204)
SEP 18: Expand Your Coaching Network (205)
SEP 23: Direct Communication - Part 1 (206)
SEP 25: Direct Communication - Part 2 (206)
SEP 30: Marketing Your Live Event (207)
OCT 2: Coaching Clients through Change (208)
OCT: 7: Practice Lab - Coaching Change (215)
OCT 9: Practice Lab 1 & 2 - Level 2 (215)
OCT 16: Practice Lab 3 & 4 - Level 2 (215)
OCT 18: Practice Lab 5 & 6 - Level 2 (215)
OCT 23: Practice Lab 7 & 8 - Level 2 - joint class (215)
OCT 25: Action and Accountability - Part 1 (209)
OCT 30: Action and Accountability - Part 2 (209)
OCT: 7: Practice Lab - Coaching Change (215)
OCT 9: Practice Lab 1 & 2 - Level 2 (215)
OCT 16: Practice Lab 3 & 4 - Level 2 (215)
OCT 18: Practice Lab 5 & 6 - Level 2 (215)
OCT 23: Practice Lab 7 & 8 - Level 2 - joint class (215)
OCT 25: Action and Accountability - Part 1 (209)
OCT 30: Action and Accountability - Part 2 (209)
NOV 4: Practice Lab 1 - Advanced Group Coaching (215)
NOV 6: Practice lab 2 - Advanced Group Coaching (215)
NOV 11: Practice lab 3 - Advanced Group Coaching (215)
NOV 13: Practice lab 4 - Advanced Group Coaching (215)
NOV 18: Coaching Models and Approaches (210)
NOV 25: Coaching Through Grief and Loss (211)
DEC 2: Build Your Coaching Business: (212)
DEC 15: All assignments are due
NOV 6: Practice lab 2 - Advanced Group Coaching (215)
NOV 11: Practice lab 3 - Advanced Group Coaching (215)
NOV 13: Practice lab 4 - Advanced Group Coaching (215)
NOV 18: Coaching Models and Approaches (210)
NOV 25: Coaching Through Grief and Loss (211)
DEC 2: Build Your Coaching Business: (212)
DEC 15: All assignments are due
Meet your training team
Felix Villanueva, MCC
Director of the Coaching School
Jim LaDoux
Director of Coaching & Consulting
Rev. Dr. Felix Villanueva ( | 626.275.8755 | Schedule a Meeting with Felix
Our Covenant
Norms & Expectations
- Attitude: Be positive, present, playful, proactive, and open-minded,
- Actions: Be on time, ready to contribute, and seek to "go first."
- Assumptions: Be willing to stretch yourself and trust the process.
Norms & Expectations
- Please read and comments on assigned blogs within 48 hours of each session.
- Watch Zoom recordings if you miss a session.
- Notify your instructor before the session if you will be late or absent.
- Review the Message Board before the Monday sessions for new updates.
- Slide Decks and Handouts are posted before every session.
- Instructors will read, and often comment on your weekly blog assignments.
Pre-Training Assignments
- Review the 2023 Coaching School Student Guide.
- Review the 2023 Coaching School Manual.
- Review the 2023 Coaching School Course Catalog.
- Be ready to share your desired outcomes for the PCC course.
- List whom you may be coaching outside of the training sessions.
- Review your current number of coaching hours (500 hours is needed for PCC).
- Default Zoom link:
- The Assignment Log is updated weekly. Click HERE to view the Assignment Checklist.
- Download Excel Coaching Hours Log or copy this Google Sheet.
This week students will continue refining their skills via ongoing Practice Labs. Your assignment during Practice Lab sessions will be to share TLQS at the end of each practice session via Zoom Chat. If you are absent, you'll need to watch the recorded video and submit your responses to Felix.
Director of Coaching and Consulting Services
This week students will continue refining their skills via ongoing Practice Labs. Your assignment during Practice Lab sessions will be to share TLQS at the end of each practice session via Zoom Chat. If you are absent, you'll need to watch the recorded video and submit your responses to Felix.
Director of Coaching and Consulting Services
8/14 | SESSION 1 - Differences in ACC vs PCC-level Competencies
- What are your hopes for the PCC Course?
- How are you use coaching in your personal and professional Life?
- Describe the differences in ACC vs PCC-level competencies.
- PCC-level coaches place greater emphasis on WHO they are coaching.
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
- Before: Review Coaching School Manual and Student Guide.
- Before: Watch Youtube videos that explain the Code of Ethics Optional.
- Before: Download Session 1 Slide Deck or Session 1 Handout.
- After: Read and comment on the blog, "Coaching Case Studies -1."
8/16 | SESSION 2 - Modifying Coaching Agreements
At the end of this session you will be able to:
- Have a better understanding regarding the various types of coaching agreements.
- Have a roadmap to design your own coaching agreements.
- Practice coaching through the lens of the coaching agreements.
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
- Before: Download Session 2 Slide Deck or Handout.
- During: Participate in a live coaching demonstration.
- During: Review coaching agreements and ways to tailor them for each client.
- After: Read and comment on the blog, "Preparing a room for painting."
8/21 | SESSION 3 - Strategies for Evoking New Awareness
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Coach clients into new ways of thinking, being, and doing.
- Raise questions through the use of clear, concise, and open-ended questions.
- Facilitate conversations where the client does most of the talking AND processing.
- Describe ways to be fully engaged in co-creating the client's outcomes.
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
- Before: Download Session 3 Slide Deck or Handout.
- Before: Download and print 2 copies of the Coaching Performance Evaluation Form.
- During: Practice using the Coaching Performance Evaluation Form.
- After: Read and comment on the blog, "Creating new awareness."
8/23 | SESSION 4 - Develop Your Client Base
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- List who your are currently coaching and who you intend to invite into a coaching relationship.
- List your financial and people goals related to the coaching services you'll provide.
- Define your niche, your target audience, and your strategies for reaching future clients.
- Define your core message; create an avatar for prospective clients.
- Understand the process for obtaining referrals from current clients.
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
- Before: Download Session 4 Handout (newest version).
- After: Watch Session 4 Zoom Recording (password: H1kRu83 )
- After: Read and comment on the blog, Top strategies for increasing your client base.
8/28 | SESSION 5 - Expand Your Coaching Network
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- List who is part of your current coaching network.
- List 3 ways you intend to expand your coaching network.
- Describe what you seek to gain from your network and what you'll give.
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
- Before: Download Session 5 Handout.
- After: Watch Session 5 Zoom Recording.
- After: Read and comment on the blog, Expanding your coaching network.
8/30 | SESSION 6 - Direct Communication (Part 1)
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- List strategies to actively observe and comments.
- Identify phrases that engage clients without judging or shaming.
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
- Before: Download, Session 6 and 7 Handout.
- After: Read and comment on the blog, Using direction communication.
9/6 | SESSION 7 - Direct Communication (Part 2)
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- List settings where direct communication is most helpful.
- List ways to challenge a coachee's assumptions or world-view?
- Share how silence plays an important role in direct communication.
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
- After: Read and comment on the blog, The art of direct communication.
9/11 | SESSION 8 - Marketing Your Live Event
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Plan, promote, and follow up after hosting a live event
- .List the kind of live events you would like to offer.
- Describe the needs you wish to address, who the target audience is.
- Determine if the events are doable and what would be your biggest challenges.
- Identify who you could partner with to promote, plan, and lead the event
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
- Before: Download Session 8 Handout.
- Before: Download Live Interview Planning Sheet
- Before: Download Planning and Delivering a Successful Live Event.
- After: Read and comment on the blog, Tips for creating live training events.
9/13 | SESSION 9 - Coaching Clients Through Change
Students from the ACC-level course will be joining us today to learn ways a coach can help clients navigate disruptive change.
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
- Before: Download Session 9 Handout.
- After: Read and comment on the blog, 3 phases of navigating change.
9/18 | SESSION 10 - Practice Lab on Coaching Change
Students from the ACC-level course will be joining us today to practices coaching people through disruptive change.
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
Before: Nothing at this time
After: Read and comment on the blog, Developing the skill of curiosity.
After: Read and comment on the blog, Developing the skill of curiosity.
9/20 | SESSION 11 - Practice Lab 1 & 2 (Level 2)
Training continues that furthers a coach's capacity to model the 8 core competencies at a PCC proficiencies level.
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
- Before: Nothing at this time.
- After: Read and comment on the blog, (to be decided by Felix).
9/25 | SESSION 12 - Practice Lab 3 & 4 (Level 2)
Training continues that furthers a coach's capacity to model the 8 core competencies at a PCC proficiencies level.
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
- Before: Nothing at this time
- After: Read and comment on the blog, (TBD)
9/2 7 | SESSION 13 - Practice Lab 5 & 6 (Level 2)
Training continues that furthers a coach's capacity to model the 8 core competencies at a PCC proficiencies level.
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
- Before: Nothing at this time
10/2 | SESSION 14 - Practice Lab 7 & 8 (Level 2)
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
Training continues that furthers a coach's capacity to model the 8 core competencies at a PCC proficiencies level.
- Before: Nothing at this time
10/4 | SESSION 15 - Action and Accountability (Part 1)
One of our functions as coaches is to help our coachees embed accountability steps into their coaching plans. By inviting the coachee to develop accountability steps we are offering them an opportunity to achieve success and, to some extent, manage distractions. As coaches we want to encourage them to choose someone outside the coaching relationship to be their accountability partner, bearing in mind that by virtue of being their coach, we are already partnering with them in the accountability process.
- Write one or two paragraphs on your takeaways, learnings, and questions regarding this class.
- Name one specific step you will take to implement the core competencies learned regarding Action & Accountability.
- As you reflect on how you wrap-up a coaching session, what do you perceive are your major challenges?
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
- Before: Review slide notes for Session 15 .
10/11 | SESSION 16 - Action and Accountability (Part 2)
- Felix will provide content by 10/10
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
- Before: ??
10/16 | SESSION 17 - Practice Lab - Advanced Group Coaching (Part 1)
Students will gain insights on the differences between individual, group and team coaching and
will share approaches and practices that lead to effective team coaching conversations.
will share approaches and practices that lead to effective team coaching conversations.
- Write one or two paragraphs on your takeaways, learnings, and questions regarding this class.
- On a scale from 1 to 10 (1=least; 10=most), how confident are you in coaching a group? What will make it a 9 or 10?
- Take a moment to reflect on what you did during a previous group coaching. What would you do different if given the opportunity?
- What questions still linger?
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
10/18 | SESSION 18 - Practice Lab - Advanced Group Coaching (Part 2)
Students will gain insights on the differences between individual, group and team coaching and
will share approaches and practices that lead to effective team coaching conversations.
will share approaches and practices that lead to effective team coaching conversations.
- Write one or two paragraphs on your takeaways, learnings, and questions regarding this class.
- On a scale from 1 to 10 (1=least; 10=most), how confident are you in coaching a group? What will make it a 9 or 10?
- Take a moment to reflect on what you did during a previous group coaching. What would you do different if given the opportunity?
- What questions still linger?
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
10/23 | SESSION 19 - Practice Lab - Advanced Group Coaching (Part 3)
Students will gain insights on the differences between individual, group and team coaching and
will share approaches and practices that lead to effective team coaching conversations.
will share approaches and practices that lead to effective team coaching conversations.
- Write one or two paragraphs on your takeaways, learnings, and questions regarding this class.
- On a scale from 1 to 10 (1=least; 10=most), how confident are you in coaching a group? What will make it a 9 or 10?
- Take a moment to reflect on what you did during a previous group coaching. What would you do different if given the opportunity?
- What questions still linger?
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
10/25 | SESSION 20 - Practice Lab - Advanced Group Coaching (Part 4)
Students will gain insights on the differences between individual, group and team coaching and
will share approaches and practices that lead to effective team coaching conversations.
will share approaches and practices that lead to effective team coaching conversations.
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
- Before: Review/download the Presentation Handout.
After: Share your TLQs for Session 17 based on the following questions:- Write one or two paragraphs on your takeaways, learnings, and questions regarding this class.
- On a scale from 1 to 10 (1=least; 10=most), how confident are you in coaching a group? What will make it a 9 or 10?
- Take a moment to reflect on what you did during a previous group coaching. What would you do different if given the opportunity?
- What questions still linger?
10/30 | SESSION 21 - Coaching Models, Frameworks, and Approaches
Students will gain insights on the differences between individual, group and team coaching and
will share approaches and practices that lead to effective team coaching conversations.
will share approaches and practices that lead to effective team coaching conversations.
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
- Before: Review/download the Presentation Handout..
11/6 | SESSION 22 - Coaching Through Grief and Loss
Students will gain insights on the differences between individual, group and team coaching and
will share approaches and practices that lead to effective team coaching conversations.
will share approaches and practices that lead to effective team coaching conversations.
DO - BEFORE and AFTER the session
11/8 | SESSION 23 - Developing Your Coaching Business: Next Steps
Students will gain insights on the differences between individual, group and team coaching and
will share approaches and practices that lead to effective team coaching conversations.
will share approaches and practices that lead to effective team coaching conversations.