- 4 Sight Group (high-impact leadership)
- 16 Personalities (Myers-Briggs online assessment)
- Bill Reichart (leadership & ministry)
- Brendan Burchard (leadership & goal setting)
- Carey Nieuwhof (leadership & ministry topics)
- Church Fuel (training & resources for leaders)
- Courage to Lead (leadership courses & resources)
- Dan Reiland (developing church leaders)
- Gapology (leadership consultants)
- Leighton Ford Ministries (healthy leaders, thriving ministries)
- MasterClass (online training/development for leaders)
- Peer Ministry Leadership (relationships/facilitation)
- Ron Edmondson (helping leaders move forward)
- Sam Chand (life & leadership development)
- Skillshare (online training/development for leaders)
- Stephen Blandino (church leadership)
- The Art of Leadership
- The MyersBriggs Company (leadership assessment)
- Tiny Habits
- Udemy (online training/development for leaders)
- Wondrium (university-level courses covering many topics)
- Belay (staffing specialist/virtual staff)
- Bit.ly (url shortener)
- Breeze (church management software)
- Calendly (appointment scheduler)
- Chemistry Staffing (staff recruitment/selection)
- Church Answers (training & resources to support ministry)
- Concordia Technology (church management software)
- Microsoft 365 (online collaboration tools)
- Planning Center (church management software)
- Slack (online collaboration platform)
- Slingshot Group (staffing selection)
- Tinyurl.com (URL shortener)
- Vanderbloemen (staff consulting & recruitment)
- 16 Personalities (Myers-Briggs personality assessments)
- Aspen Group (church design builder)
- Auxano (Strategic visioning)
- Barna (research on congregations & faith)
- Be More With Less (simplifying life)
- Church Answers (training/consultation resources)
- Church Fuel (leadership/templates/systems training)
- Church Vitality Survey (measures leadership & spiritual vitality)
- Coursera
- Day 8 Strategies (hybrid church)
- DISC (leadership assessment)
- Eric Geiger (provides insights on living/leading well)
- Gapology (living into your potential)
- Harrison (leadership/team assessments)
- Holy Cow Consulting (congregational assessments)
- Not Overthinking (podcast and resources)
- Skillshare (online courses)
- StrengthsFinder. Individuals and teams usually one of the StrengthsFinder books which includes an access code for taking the assessment. The downloadable report is quite detailed.
- Udemy (online courses)
- Way to Lead (leadership and faith formation)
- Wondrium (online courses)
- Ministry Blueprints (hospitality resources)
- Story 2022
- Transforming Church Network (open doors into the community)
- Cris Capel
- Flagship Equip (fundraising solutions)
- GSB Consulting (Stewardship/fundraising)
- Lifeway (Generosity)
- Pushpay
- Tithely
- Vanco Payments
- I-Opt. (assessment focused on processing information)
- Jay Kim Thinks (analog thoughts about digital ministry)
- Life Hack (finding work/life balance)
- Ministry Architects (healthy systems; consultations)
- The Malphurs Group (strategic planning)
- MasterClasses (classes to spark your interests & creativity)
- mCore. This test helps individuals asses what motivates them in life and work, and where they gain their energy.
- 16 Personalities (Myers-Briggs personality assessments)
- Coaching for Clergy (training)
- Coaching4Today's Leaders (training)
- The Coaching Tools Company (coaching tools & resources)
- Co-active Training Institute (training)
- Fluxify (training)
- International Coaching Federation (training/certification)
- Keith Webb (The COACH Model)
- Life Coaching Group (Marion Franklin)
- Vibrant Faith Ministries (coaching/consulting/training)
- The World Business & Executive Coaching Summit (training)
- Rev. Dr. Felix Villanueva
- Janny Franken
- Jason Bland
- Jim Merhaut
- Dr. Mark Slaughter
- Paul Oppedahl
- Rev. Dr. Nathan Swenson-Reinhold
- Shana Boshart
- Rev. Tom Smith