An Introduction to  AI Coaching

A relatively new approach to coaching called Appreciative Inquiry Coaching (AIC) has its roots in Appreciative Inquiry (AI). AI evolved in the 1980s as a revolutionary and positive philosophy towards
organizational change and is a process that focuses on leveraging an organization’s core strengths rather than seeking to overcome or minimize its weaknesses.

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a transformative approach to change that focuses on strengths, possibilities, and positive potential rather than deficits and problems. Developed by David Cooperrider and Diana Whitney, and explored in depth in Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change, AI offers a mindset shift that fosters growth, engagement, and meaningful transformation. Whether used in professional coaching, organizational leadership, or personal relationships, AI empowers individuals and communities by leveraging their best experiences to build an even stronger future

AIC engages clients on both the positive present and possible future, rather than on the problems of the past and present. AI recognizes the best in people or the world around us. It affirms past and present strengths, successes, and potentials. It focuses on health, vitality, excellence, and what’s already present in a situation.
Two essential components of AI are its five core principles and  the five (5-D) core processes. These principles and processes help clients recall their best moments and patterns of success along with providing a process for helping them move from "what is" to what might be.

The 5 AI PRINCIPLES (steps or stages)

  1. CONSTRUCTIONIST PRINCIPLE.  Reality is socially constructed through language and conversations. The way we talk about our experiences shapes how we understand and act upon them. Our words create worlds.
  2. SIMULTANEITY PRINCIPLE. Inquiry and change happen simultaneously. The moment we ask a question, we begin to influence a change in perspective and action. Inquiry creates change. 
  3. POETIC PRINCIPLE. Just as poetry can be interpreted in multiple ways, organizations and individuals can be understood from different perspectives. We can choose to focus on what is positive and life-giving. We can choose what we study.
  4. ANTICIPATORY PRINCIPLE. Our actions are guided by the images we hold of the future. A compelling and positive vision encourages progress and commitment. Images inspire action. 
  5. POSITIVE PRINCIPLE. Positive emotions and questions lead to positive change. By emphasizing strengths and opportunities, AI inspires motivation and creativity. Positive questions lead to positive change.

The 5-D PROCESSES (steps or stages)

  1. DEFINE.  What is the topic of inquiry? It is important to define the overall focus of the inquiry (what the system wants more of). Definition is used to clarify the area of work to be considered. In spite of being the starting point of the cycle, it’s a recent addition—the 5Ds were originally the 4Ds, including discover, dream, design, and destiny. Definition defines the project’s purpose, content, and what needs to be achieved. In this phase, the guiding question is, “What generative topic do we want to focus on together?”
  2. DISCOVER. Appreciating the best of “what is.” Discovery is based on a dialogue, as a way of finding "what works." It rediscovers and remembers the organization or community’s successes, strengths, and periods of excellence.
  3. DREAM. Imagining “what could be.” Imagining uses past achievements and successes identified in the discovery phase to imagine new possibilities and envisage a preferred future. It allows people to identify their dreams for a community or organization, having discovered “what is best.” They have the chance to project it into their wishes, hopes, and aspirations for the future
  4. DESIGN. Determining “what should be.” Design brings together the stories from discovery with the imagination and creativity from dream. We call it bringing the ‘best of what is’ together with ‘what might be’, to create ‘what should be – the ideal’.
  5. DELIVER | DO. Creating “what will be.” The fifth stage in the 5Ds process identifies how the design is delivered, and how it’s embedded into groups, communities, and organizations. In early appreciative inquiry development, it was called “delivery,” based on more traditional organizational development practice. 

Benefits of Appreciative Inquiry Coaching

  • AIC encourages positive change. By focusing on strengths, clients develop confidence and motivation.
  • AIC enhances self-awareness and empowerment. Clients recognize their potential and possibilities.
  • AIC fosters creativity and innovation. Encourages new perspectives and solutions.
  • AIC strengthens relationships and trust. A more supportive and uplifting approach to coaching.
  • AIC builds resilience and sustainable growth. Clients learn to navigate challenges with a strengths-based mindset
  • AIC helps clients practice a growth mindset. It also encourages collaboration.

Using AI questions in ongoing coaching conversations

  1. Encouraging Ownership and Action. In the Design and Destiny phases, coaches support clients in translating insights into actionable steps: "What small steps can you take today to move toward your vision?" By using AI, coaches facilitate deep, sustainable growth by reinforcing strengths rather than deficiencies.
  2. Using Appreciative Inquiry with Family Members. AI is not just for professional settings—it also enhances family relationships by fostering constructive and empowering conversations. Here’s how:
  3. Appreciative Listening. Instead of reacting to problems, parents and partners can ask, "What was the best part of your day?" or "What made you feel proud today?" This encourages gratitude and connection.
  4. Visioning for Family Growth. Families can apply AI principles to create shared visions: "What kind of family do we want to be? How can we support each other’s dreams?" These discussions build unity and direction.
  5. Strength-Based Problem Solving. Rather than focusing on what’s going wrong, family members can explore past successes: "When have we handled challenges well before? What can we learn from that?"
  6. Encouraging Positive Identity Formation. Telling stories of past achievements and strengths helps children and spouses build confidence: "Remember when you worked hard and succeeded? What does that tell you about yourself?"

Coaching Scenarios Where Appreciative Inquiry is Most Beneficial
While AI can be applied in many coaching contexts, it is especially effective in the following scenarios:
  1. Leadership Development. When coaching leaders, AI helps them build upon their past successes and craft a compelling vision for their teams. A leader struggling with engagement can be asked, "When has your team been at its best? What made that possible?"
  2. Career Transitions. AI helps clients transitioning careers by focusing on their past achievements: "What strengths have helped you succeed in the past, and how can you apply them to your new role?"
  3. Team Building and Conflict Resolution. Instead of focusing on workplace conflict, AI helps teams reflect on times of collaboration: "When have we worked together seamlessly? What can we do to create more of that?"
  4. Personal Development and Self-Confidence. For clients dealing with self-doubt, AI shifts their perspective to their wins: "What past successes show that you are capable and resilient?"
  5. Relationship Coaching. Couples struggling in their relationships benefit from AI by reflecting on what initially brought them together: "What were your best moments together, and how can you create more of them?"

By applying AI in these scenarios, coaches empower clients to build on strengths, reframe challenges, and create meaningful change.
Replace standard questions with AI-oriented questions (samples below)
  • Instead of “Tell me what the problem is.” ask, “What gives you energy?”
  • Instead of “Tell me what’s wrong.” ask, “What do you most value about yourself?”
  • Instead of “What are you worried about?” ask, “What do you want more of?”
  • Instead of “What do you need help with?” ask, “What worked well for you before?”
  • Instead of “What’s bothering you?” ask, “What’s working well now?”
  • Instead of “What is and isn’t working?” ask, “What first attracted you to…?”
  • Instead of “What are you going to do about…?” ask, “What did you do to contribute?”
  • Instead of “How are you going to fix this?” ask, “What does it look like when you…?”

Sample DISCOVER Questions
  • Describe what you consider stress at work to be. Can you offer a definition, phrase or quote to describe it and provide an example?
  • When recently have you displayed the ability to cope with stress at work? What was the situation which required coping behavior?
  • What attitude(s) did you adopt at that time? What were you thinking?
  • Describe your emotions while you were coping with stress.
  • How did you react? What did you do?

Sample DREAM Questions
  • What would be different?
  • What would have changed in your habits?
  • Who would be the first to notice these changes?
  • What would they say or do, and how will you respond?

Sample DESIGN Questions
  • How will you act differently to make the above work?
  • How best can you develop your ability to handle stress?
  • Are there “significant others” who you feel play a crucial role in the development of your ability to handle stress?
  • What do you think these individuals do to help? What do they not do?
  • Are there any techniques or methods that you have experienced which you feel influence your ability to handle stress?
  • Think of someone you know who you would characterize as being able to handle stress. How do you think they have developed their ability?

Sample DO Questions
  • Reflecting on what you really want and where you are right now regarding coping with stress, what do you see as the most significant changes you could make that would help you get what you want?
  • What one small change could you make right now, no matter how small, that would improve your ability to handle stress? The change does not have to be a physical action—it could be a shift in thinking or attitude

Today's Focus


1 | A reframing tool
2 | A focus on assets
3 | Learning from our past
4 | Encouraged to use all senses


1 | How will build on the 5Qs?
2 | How will this increase confidence?
3 | How can we create hope?


1 | Deepens accompaniment
2 | Accelerates change; action
3 | Emphasis abundance
4 | Reduces victim mindset


1 | Ask, "Where did it show up?"
2 | Ask, "Where could it show up?"
3 | "Try on" a few questions
4 | Notice people lighting up.


1 | A sequential process
2 | Ideas to implementation
3 | Steps are addressed
4 | Personal & work applications


1 | Where is it showing up now?
2 | Which "D" needs more attention?
3 | What limit's people's dreams?


1 | Coaching leads to change
2 | Coaches disrupt self-limitations
3 | Hopeful teams move forward
4 | Help clients name the assets


1 | Do help infuse hope as a coach?
2 | Focus on only 1 principle
3 | List what energized you


1 | Help clients add detail to dreams
2 | Clear outcomes aid actions
3 | "Say more" more often
4 | Lack of clarity is immobilizing


1 | Try using say more 3x/session
2 | Notice what "bubbled up"
3 | Note how say more helps you


1 | Pictures are powerful
2 | Describe the experience
3 | Spark dreaming w/out directing


1 | When do you dream big?
2 | Do your limitations limit others?
3 | Consider "think, do & feel"

Practice | Ps & Ds